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Рядок 14: Рядок 14:
# Галей М.М. Length of hospital stay analysis. Simultaneous laparoscopic surgery in treatment of combined surgical pathology of organs of abdominal cavity. Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 8 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Length of hospital stay analysis. Simultaneous laparoscopic surgery in treatment of combined surgical pathology of organs of abdominal cavity. Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 8 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Influence of simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Toupet fundoplication on physical status of patient . Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 4 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Influence of simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Toupet fundoplication on physical status of patient . Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 4 (2020) >
* '''[[Гуцалюк Катерина Миколаївна]]'''
* '''[[Гуцалюк Катерина Миколаївна]]'''
# Hutsaliuk K, Skalska N, Ulianova N. Retinal Changes in Patients With Covid-19 and Different Expressiveness of Metabolic Changes. Cesk Slov Oftalmol. 2024;80(3):156-166. English. doi: 10.31348/2024/12. PMID: 38527912.
# Hutsaliuk K, Skalska N, Ulianova N. Retinal Changes in Patients With Covid-19 and Different Expressiveness of Metabolic Changes. Cesk Slov Oftalmol. 2024;80(3):156-166. English. doi: 10.31348/2024/12. PMID: 38527912.
# Hutsaliuk K, Skalska N, Zborovska O, Ulianova N. Retinal changes in patients with different COVID-19 course. Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica. 2024;126(2):71-78. doi:10.5114/ko.2024.139669.
# Hutsaliuk K, Skalska N, Zborovska O, Ulianova N. Retinal changes in patients with different COVID-19 course. Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica. 2024;126(2):71-78. doi:10.5114/ko.2024.139669.
* '''[[Марчук Іван Петрович]]'''
# Галей М.М. Analysis of visualization index using technique of simultaneous laparoscopic operations. Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I. Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 10, No 10 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Analysis of fatigue in surgeons after simultaneous laparoscopic operations.  Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I. Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 10, No 7 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Comparison of stress before and after operation for patients that underwent laparoscopic surgical treatment of hiatal hernia and simultaneous operations  Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Volume 19, Issue 12 Ser.1
# Галей М.М. Stress before and after surgery in patients with laparoscopic treatment of gallstone disease and inguinal hernia. Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Moldovan Medical Journal. 2021;64(1)
# Галей М.М. Length of hospital stay analysis. Simultaneous laparoscopic surgery in treatment of combined surgical pathology of organs of abdominal cavity. Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 8 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Influence of simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Toupet fundoplication on physical status of patient Halei M., Dzubanovsky I., Marchuk I.  Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 11, No 4 (2020) >
# Галей М.М. Simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy and bilateral tapp performed by original method . Halei M., Marchuk I. 70-й конгрес товариства хірургів польських: матеріали з’їздую . Торунь 2021
# Галей М.М. The original method of simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy and right-side adrenalectomy. Halei M., Marchuk I. 70-й конгрес товариства хірургів польських: матеріали з’їздую.  Торунь 2021