Kolomyiets Liubomyra Ivanivna
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🇺🇦 Коломиєць Любомира Іванівна
- Associate Professor of the Department of general pathology and surgical diseases of Lesia Ukrainka VNU. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Dentist.
- Lutsk, Bankova Street, 9, Building C, 2nd floor (room 216).
- 1964 – Lviv State Medical Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, Dentist.
- 1982 – Kyiv Medical Institute named after Academician A.A. Bogomolets – Defense of the Candidate's Dissertation on the topic: "Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Odontogenic Periostitis, Alveolitis, Acute and Exacerbated Chronic Pericoronitis Using Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Ecrericide, and Oxacillin" and awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Professional Appointments
- 1964 - 05.04.2022 – Volodymyr-Volynskyi Dental Clinic, Dental Surgeon.
- 2024-present – Associate Professor at the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases.
Courses Taught
- 2023-2024
- Pre-medical Care
- 2024-2025
- Pre-medical Care
- Coordinator of Clinical Practice in Surgical Diseases