Rykhlivska Tetiana Bogdanivna
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🇺🇦 Рихлівська Тетяна Богданівна
- Senior Lecturer of the Department of general pathology and surgical diseases of Lesia Ukrainka VNU.
- Lutsk, Bankova Street, 9, Building C, 2nd floor (room 216).
- rykhlivska.tetiana@vnu.edu.ua
- 2010-2016 - Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. Diploma in the specialty of General Medicine, qualification - Doctor.
- 2016-2018 - Medical Intern at the Volyn Regional Emergency Medical Center.
- 2022 - Specialization in Dermatology and Venereology.
Professional Appointments
- 2018-2023 - Emergency Medicine Doctor at the Volyn Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine.
- 2020 - present - Private practice.
- 2022 - Dermatologist and Venereologist at the Volyn Medical Center for Addiction Therapy.
- 2023 - present - Senior Lecturer at the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
Disciplines Taught
- 2023-2024
- Pre-Medical Care
- 2024-2025
- Pre-Medical Care
- EDKI. State Attestation. EDKI. Commission 4. Member 8