Certificates of Smarzh O.T. for 2024

Матеріал з wiki.vnu.edu.ua
Версія від 08:42, 2 січня 2025, створена Surgeri (обговорення | внесок) (Створена сторінка: міні|Certificate dated 07.06.2024 for advanced training on the topic: "Modern Educational Technologies in the University for Pedagogical and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers of Specialties in the Field of 22 Health Care" for the period from 01.04 to 07.06.2024 Файл:Document-pdf.pdf|міні|Certificate dated 20.03.2024 for the master class "Hemorrhoids and combined pathology of the rectum: peculiarities of the clinic...)
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Certificate dated 07.06.2024 for advanced training on the topic: "Modern Educational Technologies in the University for Pedagogical and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers of Specialties in the Field of 22 Health Care" for the period from 01.04 to 07.06.2024
Certificate dated 20.03.2024 for the master class "Hemorrhoids and combined pathology of the rectum: peculiarities of the clinical course, diagnosis, choice of adequate treatment tactics with priority use of new technologies, possible complications, prevention, and treatment."