Hutsaliuk Kateryna

🇺🇦 Гуцалюк Катерина Миколаївна
- Senior Lecturer of the Department of general pathology and surgical diseases of Lesia Ukrainka VNU. Ophthalmologist at the Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital.
- Lutsk, Bankova Street, 9, Building C, 2nd floor (room 216).
- Е-mail:
Scientific Profiles:
- 2018 - Graduated from the State Higher Educational Institution "I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine."
Professional Appointments
- 2018 - 2020: Intern doctor at the Communal Enterprise "Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital" of the Volyn Regional Council.
- 2020 - 2022: Ophthalmologist in the Ophthalmology Department at the Communal Enterprise "Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital" of the Volyn Regional Council.
- 2022 – Present: Ophthalmologist in the Consultative Polyclinic at the Communal Enterprise "Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital" of the Volyn Regional Council.
- 2023 – Present: Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
Courses Taught
- 2023-2024
- Ophthalmology
- 2024-2025
- Ophthalmology
Professional Awards, Honors, Membership in Organizations
- Active Member of Euretina, ASOEP, and the Society of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine