Dimarchuk O.I. Certificates for 2023

Матеріал з wiki.vnu.edu.ua
Версія від 13:31, 13 січня 2025, створена Surgeri (обговорення | внесок)
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  1. The 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Doctors and Nursing - the Medical Front in Ukraine and the World" on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh). Volyn Regional Council's Communal Institution of Higher Education "Volyn Medical Institute," May 11-12, 2023. Certificate № 2023-1075-5502399-100095
  2. "Cardiological Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine: Learning through Practice." Distance learning. September 13, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5506079-102001
  3. "The Future in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases." Distance learning. September 14, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5506081-102001
  4. "UkraineNeuroGlobal-2023. Session 8." Distance learning. September 22, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5506381-100417
  5. "UkraineNeuroGlobal-2023." Distance learning. October 19, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5507035-101303
  6. "Modern Approach to Migraine Patients." Distance learning. October 19, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5507036-101303
  7. "Neuroinfections in Children. Diagnostic Difficulties. Cases from Practice." Distance learning. October 19, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5508482101303
  8. "Women and War: Survival Formulas. Part XII." Distance learning. September 26, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5506384-100535
  9. "Women and War: Survival Formulas. Part XIII." Distance learning. October 24, 2023. Certificate №357-2023-1108-5507386-100832
  10. "Menopause in Women and Men: Main Characteristics and Management." Distance learning. October 24, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5507388-100832
  11. "UkraineOncoGlobal-Session8." Distance learning. October 31, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5507519-100913
  12. "UkraineOncoGlobal-2023. Session 9." Distance learning. November 27, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5508454-100728
  13. "Inflammatory and Functional Bowel Diseases." Distance learning. November 16-17, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5507924-101302
  14. "UkraineCardio.Global-2023. Session 4." Distance learning. December 5, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5508673-100599
  15. "Patient Management with Atrial Fibrillation-Flutter." Distance learning. December 5, 2023. Certificate №2023-1108-5508672-100599