Dimarchuk O.I. Certificates for 2024

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Версія від 13:34, 13 січня 2025, створена Surgeri (обговорення | внесок) (Створена сторінка: # Course: "Therapy," specialization at Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytskyi, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Lviv, from 08.01.2024 to 31.05.2024. # Master Class: "Standards of Morphological Diagnosis of Stomach Diseases." Distance learning, 15.02.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3701383-103647 # Master Class: "Modern European Recommendations for Lung Auscultation: Pulmonary Sounds and Recommended Terminology." Distance learning, 2...)
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Перейти до навігації Перейти до пошуку
  1. Course: "Therapy," specialization at Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytskyi, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Lviv, from 08.01.2024 to 31.05.2024.
  2. Master Class: "Standards of Morphological Diagnosis of Stomach Diseases." Distance learning, 15.02.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3701383-103647
  3. Master Class: "Modern European Recommendations for Lung Auscultation: Pulmonary Sounds and Recommended Terminology." Distance learning, 27.03.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3702372-100472
  4. Scientific and Practical Conference: "UkrainePediatricGlobal-2024. Session 3." Distance learning, 27.03.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3702452-100472
  5. Master Class: "Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Concepts of Its Preservation." Distance learning, 28.03.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3702429-101147
  6. Master Class: "UkraineOncoGlobal-2023. Session 3." Distance learning, 29.03.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3702478-100875
  7. Master Class: "Cardiovascular Diseases During War." Distance learning, 18.04.2024. Certificate №2024-1108-3703239-101095
  8. Scientific and Practical Conference: "Interdisciplinary Strategies in Pediatrics: Addressing Current and Future Challenges." Distance learning, 09.10.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1001440-100037
  9. Master Class: "Differential Diagnosis of Headache. Is the Diagnosis Always on the Surface?" Distance learning, 19.11.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1003139-100213
  10. Master Class: "Pathology of the Cardiovascular System in the Wounded." Distance learning, 19.11.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1003142-100207
  11. Master Class: "Hyperuricemia and Gout: Modern Approaches to Management." Distance learning, 10.10.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1001571-100403
  12. Master Class: "Current Issues of Pediatric Orthopedics in the Practice of Pediatricians and Family Doctors." Distance learning, 12.10.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1001569-100495
  13. Master Class: "Neutropenia and Neutropenic Fever as Complications of Cytostatic Therapy: Risks and Management." Distance learning, 08.11.2024. Certificate №2024-2161-1002793-100319
  14. Medical Forum: Post Congress Day "Microbiome and Anti-Aging Therapy." Distance learning, 15.11.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1003137-100392
  15. Master Class: "Oncogynecology: Modern Achievements in Ukraine." Distance learning, 28.11.2024. Certificate №2024-2163-1003636-100627