Omelkovets Yaroslav

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Position - Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology Degree - Сandidate of Biological Sciences "Academic title" - Associate Professor Scientific profiles of the author:
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  • 1993 - candidate of biological sciences, specialty "03.00.08 - zoology", Institute of Zoology named after I.I. Schmalhausen of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv).
  • 1990 - diploma of higher education with honors in the specialty "Teacher of Geography and Biology", Faculty of Biology, Lutsk Pedagogical Institute named after Lesya Ukrainka (Lutsk).


From 2024 - Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
2020-2024 - Associate Professor of the Department of Histology and Medical Biology of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University Medical Institute.
2000-2020 - Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
1993-2000 - assistant and senior lecturer at the Department of Zoology of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka.

  • Head of the educational and scientific laboratory "Histology and morphogenesis".


  • Cell and tissue biology
  • Biology of individual development


Professional honors, awards

  • 2023 – Thanks to the rector of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and the director of the Volyn Regional Small Academy of Sciences
  • 2022 - Certificate of the Department of Education and Science of the Volyn Regional State Administration
  • 2022 - Certificate of the Department of Education and Science of the Volyn Regional State Administration
  • 2022 - Thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science
  • 2020 - Certificate of the Department of Education and Science of the Volyn Regional State Administration
  • 2020 – Thanks of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Director of the National Academy of Sciences "MANU"
  • 2015 - Certificate of Honor of the Volyn Regional State Administration.
  • 2013 - Certificate of Honor of the Volyn Regional State Administration.
  • 2012 - Diploma of the National Center "Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. * 2012 - Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
  • 2012 - Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports. * 2012 - Badge "Excellent in Education of Ukraine".
  • 2007 - Certificate of Honor of the Volyn Regional State Administration.
  • 2007 - Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • 2006 - Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  • 2005 - Diploma of laureate of the Ukrainian contest of popular scientific articles and photographs "Science and Innovations for Society".
  • 2004 - Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Volyn Regional State Administration.
  • 2003 - Certificate of Honor of the Volyn Regional Council.
  • 2002 - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Membership in scientific societies


  • Comparative morphology of vertebrates
  • Ecological and ethological studies of vertebrates of the local fauna
  1. Omelkovets Ya. A., Shalagai M.O. Comparative morphology of the vestibular nuclei of birds with different locomotion (budgies, gray pigeons, and common buzzards). Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University. Biological sciences. No. 8 (381). 2018. P. 62–68.
  2. Ya. A. Omelkovets, Ya. V. Stepaniuk, I. M. Posylchuk. Ecological and ethological features of the river beaver (Саstor fiber Linnaeus, 1758) in the "Rotten Linden" hydrological reserve of the Horokhiv district of the Volyn region. "Nature of Western Polissia and adjacent territories". No. 15. 2018. P. 171–177.
  3. Omelkovets Ya., Skakun O. Distribution, ecology and behavior of the river beaver (Castor fiber L.) in the vicinity of the villages of Gubyn and Tumyn of the Lokachinsky district of the Volyn region. Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University. Biological sciences. No. 1 (389) 2020. P. 45–50.
  4. Tytyuk O., Omelkovets Ya., Stepaniuk Ya. Problems of growing common pike Esox lucius in laboratory conditions. Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University. 2020. No. 1. P. 40‒44.
  5. Stepaniuk Ya. V., Ulyanov V. O., Omelkovets Ya. A., Tytyuk O. V. Workshop on histology, cytology and embryology. Lutsk: PP Ivanyuk V.P., 2022. 127 p.
  6. Omelkovets Ya. A. General cytology and histology: teaching manual. The 2nd edition is supplemented and revised. Lutsk: P.P. Ivanyuk V.P., 2023. 328 p. (Recommended for publication by the Scientific and Methodological Council of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka (protocol No. 9 dated May 22, 2023).
  7. Omelkovets Ya. A. Atlas of general histology. – 3rd edition, supplemented and revised. Lutsk: P.P. Ivanyuk V.P., 2023. 100 p. (Recommended for publication by the Scientific and Methodological Council of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka (protocol No. 9 dated May 22, 2023)
  8. Omelkovets Ya. Zhurakoskyi S. Grouping of the river beaver (Саstor fiber Linnaeus, 1758) in the vicinity of the city of Kamin-Kashirskyi, Volyn region. Notes of modern biology. No. 2. 2022. P. 7176.


  1. Internship. Lutsk National Technical University, Department of Ecology (April 1-30, 2018, certificate No. 163. The total amount is 108 academic hours of an individual curriculum (72 classroom hours and 36 hours of independent study work)).
  2. Scientific and practical seminar "Use of information technologies in the study of disciplines of the natural and mathematical profile." East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (May 30 - June 12, 2019, certificate No. 512/19 series n/s. Total amount - 108 hours (of which 56 hours are lectures, 26 hours are practical , independent work - 26 hours)).
  3. Scientific and practical seminar "Use of information technologies in the study of disciplines of the natural and mathematical profile." East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (May 29 - June 12, 2020, certificate No. 693/20 series n/s. Total amount - 108 hours (of which 56 hours are lecture, 26 hours are practical , independent work - 26 hours)).
  4. Webinar "Educational system of the National Academy of Sciences in the context of modern transformations and changes." Volyn Regional Small Academy of Sciences "(November 26, 2020, certificate. Total volume - 3 hours)".
  5. Seminar "Electronic learning: organization of the educational process (electronic course of educational discipline)". Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Information and consultation center "Consul" of the Faculty of International Relations "(September 1 - September 30, 2022, AS certificate 0120-535 dated November 16, 2022. Total amount - 30 hours (10 hours of joint classroom work))".
  6. Courses to improve the professional competence of scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of distance learning "Creating electronic courses of educational disciplines in the Moodle learning management system by specialty." Department of technical teaching aids of CITKT of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka (November 7-December 2, 2022, certificate No. 74-K/P dated November 16, 2022. Total volume - 30 hours (20 classroom hours, 10 hours - independent work)).


  • Lutsk, street Potapova, 9, building C, auditorium 710a.
  • E-mail: