Наукові публікації у журналах, індексованих в наукометричних базах Scopus, Web of Science Мацкевич Н.М.

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1. L. Shakhlina, O. Roda, S. Kalytka, O. Romaniuk, N. Matskevych, V. Zakhozhyi. Physical performance during the menstrual cycle of female athletes who specialize in 800 m and 1500 m running. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2016. Vol. 16 (4). Art 215. Р. 1345-1351. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2016.04215 . Scopus ID: 57192836540

2. Liudmyla Vashchuk, Nina Dedeliuk, Olha Roda, Svitlana Kalytka, Olena Demianchuk, Ninel Matskevych, Venera Krendeleva. The realization of the individual fitness programs in the physical education of high schoolgirls, Phys Activ Rev 2018, 6: 144-150. Scopus ID: 57192836540