Selected Works of Komshuk Tetyana

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Scientific Publications in Journals Indexed in the Scientometric Databases Scopus, Web of Science of Komshuk Tetyana

  1. Sorokman T.V., Komshuk T.S., Sokolnyk I.S., Moldovan P.M. Connection between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent Girls and Vitamin D Levels. International Endocrinology Journal. Bukovinian State Medical University. Chernivtsi, Ukraine. 2024. No. 3 Volume 20. pp. 193-199.
  2. T.S. Komshuk, T.V. Khmara, O.V. Tsygykalo, I.I. Zamorskyi, T.V. Pankiv, O.V. Smetanyuk. Features of Early Morphogenesis of the Central Nervous System / Neonatology, Surgery, and Perinatal Medicine, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 2024. Volume XIV, No. 4(54), pp. 139-145.

Scientific Publications in Ukrainian Periodical Professional Journals of Komshuk Tetyana

Scientific Publications in Foreign Languages in Peer-Reviewed Foreign Journals of Komshuk Tetyana

Monographs, Textbooks, Educational and Methodological Manuals of Komshuk Tetyana

Theses of Conferences, Seminars, Round Tables of Kolomiiets Darii

Patents, Copyright Certificates of Komshuk Tetyana