Poruchynska Tetyana

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Poruchynska Tetyana

🇺🇦 Поручинська Тетяна Федорівна

Scientific Profiles: Scopus Author ID


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  • 2010 - Candidate of Biological Sciences (Human and Animal Physiology), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv.
  • 1997 - Higher Education Diploma with Honors (Geography and Biology), Faculty of Biology, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, Lutsk

Professional Appointments

  • 1997-1998 - Educator at Preschool No. 10, Lutsk.
  • From September 2000 - Head of the Age Neurophysiology Laboratory, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Since 2010 - Associate Professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Professional Awards, Honors, Membership in Organizations

Membership in Scientific Societies

Scientific Interests

  • Immunology, Immunoprophylaxis
  • Adaptive Processes in the Human Body

Grant Activities

  1. Co-author and developer of a project submitted for the joint Ukrainian-Polish scientific research project competition for implementation in 2018-2019 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Children's School Readiness: Morphological, Functional, Mental, Territorial Features.";
  2. 2018 рік - Co-author and developer of the project "European Health Policy" within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules program;
  3. Member of the educational and scientific group that, together with the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Sciences, John Paul II State Higher School in Biala Podlaska (Biala Podlaska, Republic of Poland), implemented a joint scientific research project "The Level of Motor Activity of Older Preschool Children and Ways to Increase It in Preschool Institutions" (based on the cities of Lutsk and Biala Podlaska).
  4. Co-performer of the project "Teach and Learn Quality" implemented within the framework of the Strategic Practicum for Higher Education Institution Leaders (organizers: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, NGO "Higher," Saxon Center for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Leipzig (Germany), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance).
  5. Co-author of the project "Teach Quality and Learn Quality," submitted for the competition to participate in the Teaching Improvement Program in Higher Education of Ukraine, implemented by the British Council.

Internships and Advanced Training of Poruchynska Tetyana

Selected Works of Poruchynska Tetyana