Scientific Publications in Foreign Languages in Peer-Reviewed Foreign Journals of Romanchuk Oleksandr Petrovych

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Версія від 10:02, 8 січня 2025, створена Surgeri (обговорення | внесок) (Створена сторінка: # Romanchuk A, Grechko O, Todorova V. The Effects Of Aerobic Exercises Involved In Physical Education Lessons On Some Developmental Parameters Of Teenager Girls. Journal of sports science & medicine 2009;8(11),suppl.1:267-68. # Romanchuk A. Sanotyping in Examination Of Functional Sufficientness Of Sportsmen Organism Journal of sports science & medicine 2009;8(11),suppl.1:208. # Romanchuk A. Estimation of cardiovascular system reactance of sportsmen at use...)
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  1. Romanchuk A, Grechko O, Todorova V. The Effects Of Aerobic Exercises Involved In Physical Education Lessons On Some Developmental Parameters Of Teenager Girls. Journal of sports science & medicine 2009;8(11),suppl.1:267-68.
  2. Romanchuk A. Sanotyping in Examination Of Functional Sufficientness Of Sportsmen Organism Journal of sports science & medicine 2009;8(11),suppl.1:208.
  3. Romanchuk A. Estimation of cardiovascular system reactance of sportsmen at use of tests with controlled respiration. J Heal Sci. 2013;3(4):335–48.
  4. Gluschenko M, Romanchuk A. Effect of the complex breathing exercises with massage gymnastics on physical readiness of children with CNS. J Heal Sci. 2013;3(4):349–56.
  5. Podgorna V, Romanchuk A. Pattern of spontaneous breathing and development of physical qualities of elementary school pupils. J Heal Sci. 2013;3(5):7–14.
  6. Beseda V, Romanchuk A. Efficiency of improvement absolute strength of muscle in preschool children using massage gymnastics. J Heal Sci. 2013;3(6):251–8.
  7. Gorbenko V, Romanchuk A. Functional parameters in determining the effectiveness of girudo and apitherapy hypertension during rehabilitation. J Heal Sci. 2014;04(04):023–32.
  8. Bukhovets B, Romanchuk A. Bobath therapy in correction of psychomotor development of children with organic injuries CNS. J Heal Sci. 2014;04(06):071–8.
  9. Guziy O, Romanchuk A.Anthropometric correlates reaction of cardiovascular system for standard exercise stress athletes playing sports. J Heal Sci. 2014;4(7):037–46.
  10. Shtanko V, Romanchuk A, Marish My, Tesluk G. Sensorimotor effects of the sulpiride use in the complex of antihypertensive therapy in primary arterial hypertension. J Heal Sci. 2014;4(16):89–98.
  11. Shtanko V, Romanchuk A, Marish M, Tesluk G. L-arginine and arterial hypertension: antihypertensive and metabolic effects. J Heal Sci. 2014;4(16):167–74.
  12. Романчук О, Гузій О, Подгорна В, Глущенко М. «Безпечний» рівень соматичного здоров’я чоловіків молодого віку в показниках регуляції кардіореспіраторної системи. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(12):189-216.
  13. Romanchuk, A. P., Guziy, O. V and Glushchenko, M. N. (2016) ‘Gender features of sensorimotor function in young people with motor asymmetry’, Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport, 2(1), pp. 38–63.
  14. Guzii O, Romanchuk A. Multifunctional Determinants Of Athletes’ Health. JOMAHR. 16Mar. 2017; 2(1):12-21. from:
  15. Guzii O, Romanchuk A. Differentiation of Hemodynamics of Top Athletes Depending on Heart Rate Variability after Training. J Adv Med Med Res. 2017;22(3):1–10.
  16. Bukhovets B, Romanchuk A. The physical development of children with cerebral palsy in use of Bobat’s method in physical therapy course. Phys Educ Sport Kinesither Res J. 2017;2(3):82–8.
  17. Noskin L, Rubinskiy A, Romanchuk A. Indications of the Level Individual Cardiovascular and Respiratory Homeostasis Using Continuous Spiroarteriocardiorhythmography. Biomed J Sci Tech Res. 2018 Jun 27;6(1).
  18. Romanchuk O, Bazhora Y. Regulatory peculiar features of uncontrolled bronchial asthma. J Educ Heal Sport. 2018 Jan 31;8(1):330–46
  19. Romanchuk A, Guzii O. Respiration variability of athletes after competition load. Rev Bras Med Esporte. 2018; 24(5 Suppl.1):78
  20. Romanchuk A. To the question of cardiorespiratory variability estimation in tests with controlled respiration. Rev Bras Med Esporte. 2018; 24(5 Suppl.1):79
  21. Romanchuk A, Guzii O. Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity and exercise. Rev Bras Med Esporte. 2018; 24(5 Suppl.1):80
  22. Bukhovets B, Romanchuk A. Blood flow in the brain venous blood vessels of children with cerebral palsy while using Bobath therapy. Turkish J Kinesiol. 2018 Sep 20;4(3):65-72.
  23. Romanchuk A, Guziy O. Level of Athlete’s Health and Blood Pressure Variability. Biomed J Sci Tech Res. 2018 Oct 24;10(3). from:
  24. Романчук О, Штанько В, Бекало І, Мороз С. Вплив монотерапії лізинопрілом на барорецепторну чутливість у пацієнтів з первинною артеріальною гіпертензією. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar. 2018; 10(28):24-31.
  25. Romanchuk A, Shtanko V, Bekalo I. Lizinopril Monotherapy and Sensitivity of the Baroreflex in Patients with Hypertension. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). 2019; 18(1):74-79
  26. Romanchuk A, Guzii O. Features of the Blood Pressure Variability of Athletes with Different Levels of Functional State of the Body. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(3):11-20.
  27. Bazhora Y, Romanchuk O. Features of the regulatory support of the cardiopulmonary system of patients with persistent bronchial asthma and obesity. Wschod Czas Nauk (east Eur Sci journal). 2019;(2):76–81.
  28. Romanchuk O, Guzii O. Sensorimotor Criteria for the Formation of the Autonomic Overstrain of the Athletes’ Cardiovascular System. Int J Sci Ann. 2020;3(1):46–53
  29. Romanchuk O, Guzii O. Peculiarities of Changes in Respiratory Variability under the Influence of Training Load in Athletes with Cardiovascular Overstrain by Sympathetic Type. Int J Educ Sci. 2020;3(2):54.
  30. Романчук A., Гузий O., Будзын В., Жарська Н, Гавелко Г. Сравнительная характеристика сенсомоторной функции спортсменов, имеющих оптимальный тип регуляции сердечного ритма Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicine, 2021, 3(1):37-43
  31. Романчук A., Гузий O., Будзын В., Рыбчич И, Руденко Р. К вопросу индивидуализации оценки состояния организма спортсменов. Journal of physical rehabilitation and sports medicine, 2021, 3(1):123-138.
  32. Mehdi Zargani, Fariba Aghaei, Ehsan Arabza-deh, Foad Feizollahi, Oleksandr Romanchuk. Sarcopenia: Molecular pathways and potential benefits of exercise training. Journal of Exercise & Organ Cross Talk. 2021; 1 (3): 38-53.