Відмінності між версіями «Кафедра педагогічної та вікової психології»

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Рядок 390: Рядок 390:
* Ψ Управління державної  пенітенціарної  служби у Волинській області.
* Ψ Управління державної  пенітенціарної  служби у Волинській області.
* Ψ Lyplyanska special boarding school of Volyn region, Kivertsi district [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B7FF92A43-EC32-48E8-BB11-5D370EB0466E%7D&file=Липлянс_ка_школа_iнтернат.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
* Ψ Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology)
* Ψ Mukachevo State University  (Faculty of Humanities Department of Psychology) Internship agreement
* Ψ Uman Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University(Faculty of Social and Psychological Education, Department of Psychology)
* Ψ Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Institute of Man, department of general, age and pedagogical psychology)
* Ψ Mukachevo State University (Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology)
* Ψ Lutsk Center of Vocational and Technical Education
* Ψ Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv (Institute of Man, Department of General, Age and Pedagogical Psychology)
* Ψ Kivertsiv Medical College
* Ψ Foreign Ukrainian educational institution Ukrainian Cyril and Methodius School in Braga [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B6DEA4616-410E-4FA7-BE17-856A419E195B%7D&file=Украiнс_ка_кирило-мефодiiвс_ка_школа_Брага.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Agreement on scientific cooperation with the communal institution "Lutsk General education school of I-III Levels No. 20 of the Lutsk City Council of the Volyn Region"
* Ψ Lutsk Pedagogical College
* Ψ Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (Faculty of Social and Psychological Education, Department of Psychology)
* Ψ Lutsk Center for Vocational Education [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B0A49B3D4-7D50-424D-B0A4-143E0F8B20DD%7D&file=Луц_ки_центр_проф.освiти.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Lviv State University of Internal Affairs  (faculty of psychology)
* Ψ Preschool educational institution № 21 with compensatory groups in Lutsk
* Ψ Overseas Ukrainian educational institution Ukrainian Cyril and Methodius School, Braga
* Ψ Preschool education institution (kindergarten) №38 combined type of Lutsk City Council [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B2F6885FD-9827-4C2F-93F0-2F91B832E3DF%7D&file=УГОДА_з_ЗДО_№38.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Secondary school of I-III degree in the village of Zaborol of Lutsk district of Volyn region
* Ψ Preschool educational institution № 20 Lutsk [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B1E944CA8-681E-4A54-9EAF-EEB623E59036%7D&file=ДНЗ_№_20.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
''With schools:''
* Ψ Municipal institution "Preschool educational institution (kindergarten) 9 combined types of Lutsk City Council" [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B30FAAE59-62D2-4B39-8BED-3D8A5CB4EBC5%7D&file=угода_заклад_ясла-садок_9.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Communal institution "Lutsk Specialized School of I-III Levels No. 5 of the Lutsk City Council of the Volyn Region"
* Ψ Kivertsi Medical College [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3AB754D8-EF9C-41D3-B9C1-778DDC8AF388%7D&file=Кiерцi_мед.коледж.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Communal institution "Lutsk General education school of I-III Levels No. 12 of the Lutsk city council of the Volyn region"
* Ψ Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (Faculty of Psychology) [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B8441AFA4-F31F-4E96-90E1-6B0903A83CDA%7D&file=Угода_з_Л_ДУВС_2019_(1).doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true];
* Ψ Lutsk educational complex "Gymnasium No. 14 named after Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi"
* Ψ Lutsk NVK "Vasyl Sukhomlynsky Gymnasium №14” [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua%2FDocuments%2FУгоди%2FUntitled%2EFR12_-_0001%2Etif&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua%2FDocuments%2FУгоди]
* Ψ Сommunal institution "Lutsk General education school of I-III Levels  No. 20 of the Lutsk City Council of the Volyn Region"
* Ψ Municipal institution "Lutsk comprehensive school of I-III degrees №20 Lutsk city council of Volyn region" [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/EducRB-JnStKpdQZriLVcOUBKF-sFFZbm2qxxz8Pb_oKEQ?e=DAUK84];
* Ψ General education school of the I-III Levels of the village of Zaborol, Lutsk district, Volyn region
* Ψ Communal institution of general secondary education "Zaborol Lyceum No. 32 of the Lutsk City Council"
''With preschool institutions:''
* Ψ Preschool educational institution No. 1, Lutsk
* Ψ Communal institution "Preschool educational institution (nursery school) No. 9 of the combined type of the Lutsk City Council"
* Ψ Preschool educational institution No. 10, Lutsk
* Ψ Institution of preschool education (nursery school) No. 38 of the combined type of the Lutsk City Council
* Ψ Preschool educational institution No. 20, Lutsk
''With boarding facilities:''
* Ψ Golobsky orphanage-boarding house
* Ψ Lyplyansk special comprehensive boarding school, Kivertsy district, Volyn region
* Ψ With educational and rehabilitation institutions:
* Ψ Lutsk educational and rehabilitation center

  ''With medical institutions:''
  ''With medical institutions:''
* Ψ Volyn Regional Narcological Dispensary
* Ψ Volyn regional drug dispensary
* Ψ Ukrainian Medical Mission
* Ψ Ukrainian medical mission
* Ψ CJSC Truskavets Resort
* Ψ Closed joint-stock company "Truskavetskurort"
* Ψ Med-Palace Medical Center
* Ψ Med Palace Medical Center
* Ψ Lutsk Training and Rehabilitation Center [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/ERvO4fXZ8CVLum8USj-n7DIBXZcfBtNCqrooeI2Wq5BUFQ?e=dslTEg]
* Ψ Lutsk educational and rehabilitation center
* Ψ Municipal Institution "Lutsk City Children's Polyclinic" [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B62D38E15-231E-443F-8549-0524B58FB4C5%7D&file=КЗ_Луц_ка_мiс_ка_дитяча_полiклiнiка.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true]
* Ψ "Youth-friendly clinic" on the basis of a communal facility "Lutsk City Children's Polyclinic"
''With public organizations of teachers and students:''
* Ψ Kivertsivka district public organization "Sunnyashnyk"
* Ψ Non-governmental organization "The case of Kolping in Ukraine"
* Ψ NGO "Scientific and Ethnological Society "Boikivshchyna"
* Ψ Volyn Youth Center Public Organization

''With public organizations of teachers and students''
* Ψ Kivertsy district public organization "Sunflower"
* Ψ NGO "Kolping's Case in Ukraine"
* Ψ NGO "Scientific and Ethnological Society" Boykivshchyna "
* Ψ Volyn Youth Center NGO [https://volnu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ivanashko_oksana_vnu_edu_ua/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B4B1CF6AA-F89E-468B-B1DA-39B1C99257BB%7D&file=ГО_Молодiжний_центр_Волинi.doc&action=default&mobileredirect=true]

  ''With other organizations:''
  ''With other organizations:''


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