Morenko Alevtyna Hryhorivna
Position - Head of the Human and Animal Physiology Department - Professor of the Human and Animal Physiology Department.
Degree - Doctor of Biological Sciences.
Academic title - Professor.
Specialist in human and animal physiology (neurophysiology of manual movements)
Contact Information:
- Lutsk, street Potapova, 9, building C, 7th floor (room 702).
- e-mail:
- +38 (0332) 249947
Scientific profiles of the author
- 2015 - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
- 2000 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
- 1995 - Diploma of Higher Education with honors (Geography and Biology), Faculty of Biology, Volyn State University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk.
- 2015 - present - Professor, Head of the Human and Animal Physiology Department,
- 2007–2015 - Secretary of the University's Academic Council,
- 2003 - 2007 - Associate Professor of the Human and Animal Physiology Department,
- 2001–2003 - Senior Lecturer of the Human and Animal Physiology Department,
- 1991–2000 - Assistant of the Human and Animal Physiology Department,
- 1995–1999 - senior laboratory assistant of the Human and Animal Physiology Department.
Awards, honors
- Diploma of the Volyn Regional Council (2007)
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2009)
- Silver badge of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University (2012)
- Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Volyn Regional State Administration (2013)
- Badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (2015)
- Golden badge of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University (2015)
Membership in scientific societies
- Ukrainian Physiological Society (from 2000 to the present)
- Ukrainian Biophysical Society (from 2010 to the present)
- Society of Neuroscience (from 2012 to the present)
- Society of Neuroscience (FENS) (from 2012 to the present).
- individual features of neurophysiological support of manual human movements.
- 1998-2002 - Participant in the implementation of a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: № 0196U00662
- 2011-2013 - Participant in the implementation of a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine: "Neurophysiological mechanisms and system organization of human sensorimotor activity (age and gender)", № 0111U002143
- 2006-2008 - Fellow of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as a young scientist ;
- March 6, 2017 - March 3, 2017 - Grant awarded for an internship under the Erasmus + academic mobility program at the Institute of Biotechnology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) ;
- March 29 - April 2, 2020 - International Travel Grant (International Brain Research Organization) for participation in 22nd International Neuroscience Winter Conference, taking place in Solden (Austria) ;
10.10.2019 - 10.10.2019; 16.12.2019 - 12/17/2019- Strategic workshop for university leaders. Organizers: National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", NGO "Higher", Saxon Center for Teaching and Learning Higher Education in Leipzig, MES of Ukraine, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
- Morenko AG Особливості мозкових процесів під час виконання мануальних рухів у відповідь на сенсорні сигнали в осіб із високою і низькою альфа-частотою [Features of brain processes during manual movements in response to sensory signals in people with high and low alpha frequency.] Monograph / AG Morenko. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University , 2014. - 216 p [1]
- Morenko. Electrical Activity of the Cerebral Cortex during the Low-Frequency Acoustic Stimulation in Women with Different Characteristics of Alpha Rhythm / A. Morenko, O. Morenko // Annals of neurosciences. - 2016. - Vol. 23, No. 4. - P. 235–240. [2] DOI: [3]
- Morenko A. In Memory of Leonid Gittik: Academic Readings, Dedicated to the Anniversary of Prominent Ukrainian Scientist / A. Morenko, A. Poruchynskiy, I. Kuznetsov // Annals of neurosciences. - 2016. - Vol. 23, No. 4. - P. 261–262 [4] DOI: [5]
- Morenko A.H. Brain processes in women with different modal alpha-frequency through the execution of manual movements with the application of force / A.H. Morenko, OV Korzgyk // Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University 2016. – №1. - P. 326 - 341 [6] DOI: [7]
- Morenko A.H. Bioelectrical activity of the brain during performance of manipulative movements in women with different modal alpha-frequencies / A.H. Morenko // Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, medicine. 2016 - 7 (1). - P. 65–70. [8] DOI: [9]
- Morenko AG EEG Activity during Realization of Manual Movements by Individuals with Different Characteristics of the Alpha Rhythm. / А.Г. Morenko / Neurophysiology. 2017. - 49 (2) - P. 143–150. [10] DOI: [11]
- Morenko A. H. Coherence EEG frequency components during manual movements executed by the subdominant hand in women. / O. V. Korzhyk, O. S. Pavlovych, A. H. Morenko / Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. - 2017. - 8 (1). - P. 51–57. [12] DOI: [13]
- O.V. Korzhik, A.H.Morenko, I.Ya. Kotsan. Event-Related EEG Synchronization / Desynchronization under Conditions of Cessation and Switching over the Programs of Manual Movements in Men // Neurophysiology. 2018. Vol. 50, no. 3. - P. 189–197. [14] DOI: [15]
- O. V. Korzhyk, O. S. Pavlovych, O. R. Dmytrotsa, A. H. Morenko Cortex electrical activity during switching of motor programs among men and women.// Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. - 2018. - 8 (2). - P. 183–188. [16] DOI: [17]
- Korzhyk O., Morenko O., Morenko A., Kotsan I. Gender Features of Brain Processes During Inhibition of Manual Movements ’Programs.// Annals of Neurosciences (India) 2019. - 26 (1). - P. 4–9. [18] DOI: [19]
- Morenko AG Coherence of EEG Frequency Components While Performing Alternative Finger Movements in Women with Different Modal Frequency of Alpha-rhythm / A. Morenko, O. Korzgyk // Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. - 2015. - № 12 (313). - P. 112 - 118. [20]
- Morenko A. Osoblyvosti mozkovykh protsesiv pid chas vykonannia manualnykh rukhiv u vidpovid na sensorni syhnaly v osib iz vysokoiu i nyzkoiu alfa-chastotoiu. [ Electromyographic activity of superficial muscles of the fingers during manual motility in men with different characteristics of α-frequency]. / O. Korzhyk, O. Kyrychuk, A. Morenko / Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. - 2017. - 7 (356). - P. 182–188. [11]
- Peculiarities of Electromyographic Activity of Hand’s Distal Muscles in Women With Different Modal α-Frequency. // О. Korzhyk, O. Pavlovych, S. Braniuk, O. Morenko / Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. - 2018. - 4 (377). - P. 115-122. [21] DOI: [22]
- Pavlovich OS, Morenko AG, Abramchuk OM soblyvosti mozkovoho elektrohenezu cholovikiv i zhinok iz riznym profilem slukhovoi ta manualnoi asymetrii u stani funktsionalnoho spokoiu. [Features of cerebral electrogenesis of men and women with a different profile of auditory and manual asymmetry in a state of functional rest.]. / Young scientist. Biological sciences. –2018 - № 2 (54). - P. 450–453. [23]
- Morenko AG Рецензія на підручник Н.О. Сибірної, Г.Я. Гачкової, І.В. Бродяк, К.А. Сибірної, М.Р. Хохли та М.В. Сабадашки «Функціональна біохімія» за ред. проф. Н. О. Сибірної. Review of the textbook NO Sibirna, G.Ya. Gachkova, IV Brodyak, K.A. Siberian, MR Khokhly and MV Sabadashki "Functional Biochemistry", ed. prof. NO Siberian.]. - Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2018. - 644 p. - (Series "Biological Studies"). / Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. - 2018. - 8 (381). - C. 108-109. [24]
- O.Dmytrotsa, S.Shvaiko, T.Poruchynska, A.Poruchynskyi, O.Zhuravlov, A. Morenko. Spectral analysis of EEG signals among people with different levels of personal anxiety.// Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research, 2018. - Vol 12. - No 1. - R. 22-25. [25] DOI: [26]
- Czech OV, Morenko OA, Tityuk OV, Korzhik OV, Morenko AG EMG – aktyvnist miaziv verkhnoi kintsivky liudyny pry patolohii nervovo-miazovoho provedennia. [EMG - the activity of muscles of the upper extremity of a person in the pathology of neuromuscular conduction.]. // Scientific Bulletin of the East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Series: Biological Sciences. - 2019. - 4 (388). - P. 168-178. [27] DOI: [28]
- Morenko A. H. Osoblyvosti mozkovoho elektrohenezu cholovikiv i zhinok iz riznym profilem slukhovoi ta manualnoi asymetrii u stani funktsionalnoho spokoiu. [The analysis of coherent EEG activity in persons with different profiles of interhemispheric asymmetry during encoding the rhythm patterns.]. / O. S. Pavlovych, O. M. Abramchuk, L. O. Shvartc, A. I. Poruchynskyi, A. H. Morenko / ScienceRise: Biological Science. –2017 - 1 (4). - P. 17–21. [29] DOI: [30]
- Morenko AG Features of cerebral electrogenesis of men and women with different profile of auditory and manual asymmetry in the state of functional rest. / OS Pavlovich, AG Morenko, OM Abramchuk // Young scientist. Biological sciences. –2018 - № 2 (54). - P. 450–453.
- Morenko A. Event-related synchronization / desynchronization in terms of the switch of manual motor programs in men. / O. Korzhyk, O. Pavlovych, L. Shvarts, T. Shevchuk, O. Dmytrotsa, A.Poruchynskiy, A. Morenko // Biologija 2017. Vol. 63. No. 4. P. 297–305. [31] DOI: [32]
- Morenko A. Changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) power during subdominant (left) hand finger movements in females with different alpha rhythm characteristics. / A. Morenko, O. Morenko, O. Dmytrotsa, A. Poruchynsky, O. Korzhyk. // Health Problems of Civilization. 2020. Vol 1. P. 63–69. DOI: [33] DOI: [34]
- Morenko A. H. Event-related potentials during contralateral switching over motor programs in humans. / O. V. Korzhyk, O. R. Dmutrotsa, A. I. Poruchynskyi, A. H. Morenko. // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems, 2020. - 11 (1). - P. 110–115 [35] DOI: [36]