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''📚Статті у виданнях, включеного до міжнародних наукометричних баз даних Scopus та WebofScience:''<br />
''📚Статті у виданнях, включеного до міжнародних наукометричних баз даних Scopus та Web of Science:''<br />
# Pavlikha N., Tsymbaliuk I. O., Kovshun N. E., Kotsan L. M. Conceptual Transformation Principles Of The Income Regulation System In Ukraine  Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики. Том 2. №25. 2018. C. 317-324. Web of Science.
# PavlikhaN., Tsymbaliuk I. O., Kovshun N. E., Kotsan L. M. Conceptual Transformation Principles Of The Income Regulation System In Ukraine  Том 2. №25. 2018. C. 317-324. Web of Science
# Yakubiv, V.; Sodoma, R.; Hrytsyna, O.; Pavlikha, N.; Shmatkovska, T.; Tsymbaliuk, I.; Marcus, O.; Brodska, I. 2019. Development of electronic banking: a case study of Ukraine. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(1): 219-232. Web of Science, Scopus.
# Yakubiv, V.; Sodoma, R.; Hrytsyna, O.; Pavlikha, N.; Shmatkovska, T.; Tsymbaliuk, I.; Marcus, O.; Brodska, I. 2019. Development of electronic banking: a case study of Ukraine. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(1): 219-232. Web of Science, Scopus
# Tryhuba A., Pavlikha N., Rudynets M., Tryhuba I., Grabovets V., Skalyga M. Tsymbaliuk I., Khomiuk N., Fedorchuk Moroz V. Studying the influence of production conditions on the content of operations in logistic systems of milk collection Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019. № 3/3 ( 99 ) P. 50-63. Scopus.
# Tryhuba A., Pavlikha N., Rudynets M., Tryhuba I., Grabovets V., Skalyga M. Tsymbaliuk I., Khomiuk N., Fedorchuk Moroz V. Studying the influence of production conditions on the content of operations in logistic systems of milk collection Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019. № 3/3 ( 99 ) P. 50-63. Scopus
# Tryhuba Anatoliy, Rudynets Mykola, Pavlikha Nataliia, Tryhuba Inna, Kytsyuk Iryna, Kornelyuk Olga, Fedorchuk-Moroz Valentyna, Androshchuk Igor, Skorokhod Iryna, Seleznov Dmytro Establishing patterns of change in the indicators of using milk processing shops at a community territory Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (Private Company Technology Center), 2019 Vol 6, No 3 (102) P. 57-65. Scopus.
# Tryhuba Anatoliy, Rudynets Mykola, Pavlikha Nataliia, Tryhuba Inna, Kytsyuk Iryna, Kornelyuk Olga, Fedorchuk-Moroz Valentyna, Androshchuk Igor, Skorokhod Iryna, Seleznov Dmytro Establishing patterns of change in the indicators of using milk processing shops at a community territory Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (Private Company Technology Center), 2019 Vol 6, No 3 (102) P. 57-65. Scopus
# Khomiuk Nataliia, Bochko Olena, Pavlikha Nataliia, Demchuk Anton, Shmatkovska Tetiana, Naumenko Nataliya. Economic modeling of sustainable rural development under the  conditions of decentralization: a case study of Ukraine. Scientific Papers  Series  Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture  and Rural Development  Vol. 20,  Issue  3,  2020 P. 317–332. Web of Science
# Bortnikov V., Bortnikova A., Pavlikha N. Polish Factor in the Policy of the Russian Power in Right-Bank Ukraine (the End of the Eighteenth Century - 1830s). Ukrains'kyi Istorychnyi Zhurnal. 2020, Is. 2, p. 142–150. Web of Science
# Nataliia Khomiuk, Olena Bochko, Nataliia Pavlikha, Anton Demchuk, Olena Stashchuk, Tetiana Shmatkovska, Nataliya Naumenko. Economic modeling of sustainable rural development under the  conditions of decentralization: a case study of Ukraine. Scientific Papers  Series  Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture  and Rural Development  Vol. 20,  Issue  3,  2020 P. 317–332. Web of Science
# Tryhuba, Anatoliy, V. Boyarchuk, I. Tryhuba, O. Boiarchuk, Nataliia Pavlikha and Nadiia Kovalchuk. “Study of the Impact of the Volume of Investments in Agrarian Projects on the Risk of Their Value.” ITPM (2021) , Scopus
# Tsymbalіuk I., Pavlikha N., Barskyi Y., Tihonchuk L., Korneliuk O., Naumenko N., Kovshun N. (2021). Imbalances Between Revenues and Expenditures of Local Rural Budgets in the Process of Fiscal Decentralization in Ukraine: Assessment and Modelling. Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development, 2021 Vol. 21 Issue 2. Р.671-683. Web of Science
# Pavlikha N., Khomiuk N., Demianchuk O., Shelenko D., Sai L., Korneliuk O., Naumenko N., Skorohod I., Tsymbaliuk I., Voichuk M. Economic Assessment of Inclusive Development of Territorial Communities Within Rural Areas: A Case Study Of Ukraine. Ad Alta: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research, 2021. VOL. 12, ISSUE 1, SPECIAL ISSUE XXV. Рр. 97–104. Web of Science
# Iryna Tsymbaliuk, Nataliia Pavlikha, Olena Zelinska, Alisa Ventsuryk and Anna Radko (2021). Assessing the level of competitiveness of the insurance sector during economic crises: The example of Ukraine. Insurance Markets and Companies, 12(1), 72-82. doi:10.21511/ins.12(1).2021.07, Scopus

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