Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna

Position, scientific degree, academic title
The head of the Theory of Sport and Physical Culture Department, in Science of Physical Education and Sports, Full Professor, specialist in physical culture and sport
Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna graduated from the Lutsk Polytechnic Institute in 1983, majoring in Industrial and Civil Engineering. Since she combined her life with sports orientation even in her childhood, and in the 10th grade she fulfilled the standard of Master of Sports of the USSR, she continued to train and participate in competitions even during her studies at the Institute. She was a multiple champion of Ukraine, a member of the National team of Ukraine, a prizewinner of the USSR Championships. Having received the qualification of a civil engineer, Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna decides to get another higher education and enters the Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk Pedagogical Institute the Faculty of Physical Education. The specificity of studying at the faculty opens up new opportunities, and she begins to do athletics.
In 1988 she graduated from the Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk Pedagogical Institute and started working at the Athletics Department of the Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk Pedagogical Institute.
Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna continued to play sports and at the same time coached the Institute's orienteering team, which became the winner of the All-Ukrainian Sports Games among students and the prizewinner of the All-Union Universiade in the relay.
After completing her sports career, Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna directed all her potential to research activity. She completed postgraduate studies.
In 2000 the scholar defended the candidate's thesis on the topic Formation of Vertical Stability of the Children Body Aged 9-12 Years in Physical Education Lessons and obtained the Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences) in Physical Education and Sports.
Professional academic experience
In 2001, Alyoshyna Alla Ivanivna has the position of the Head of the Physical Rehabilitation Department, takes an active part in the development of educational plans, accreditation of the specialty.
In 2005 obtains the Associate Professor Title of the Physical Rehabilitation Department.
Since September 2010 has the position of Full Professor of the department.
In 2008 is awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
In 2013 obtains the Professor Title of the Physical Rehabilitation Department.
In 2013 is awarded with the Excellence of Education of Ukraine Badge.
Since 2015 is the Head of the Sports, Mass and Tourism Work Department.
Since May 2020 is the Head of the Theory of Sport and Physical Culture Department.
In 2016 Ms Alyoshyna defended her doctoral thesis on the topic Prevention and Correction of Functional Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System of Children and Youth in the Process of Physical Education in specialty 24.00.02. – Physical Culture, Physical Education of Different Population Groups.
Scientific supervisor of five candidate theses. Co-author of educational manuals classified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief of the specialized professional journal Youth Bulletin of SNU.
Co-head of research on the topic of the Combined Plan of the GDR in the field of physical culture and sports for 2006-2010, topic 3.2.1. Improvement of Biomechanical Technologies in Physical Education and Rehabilitation Taking into Account the Spatial Organization of the Human Body. In 2011-2015 Research under auspices of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine 3.7 Improvement of Biomechanical Technologies in Physical Education and Rehabilitation Taking into Account the Individual Characteristics of Person Motor Skills (state registration number 0111U001734)
Head of the implementation of the National Development Program for 2018-2023 on the topic Modern Technologies for the Formation and Preservation of Health of Various Population Groups by Means of Health-improving Motor Activity (state registration number 0118U004196).
The author of 170 publications, including 2 monographs, 5 works of an educational and methodological nature (4 classified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), more than 100 articles in specialized scientific journals
Research areas:
Biomechanics, Physical Rehabilitation, Technologies for the Formation and Preservation of the Health of Various Population Groups, Sports Orientation, Tourism, Animation
Training courses:
Modern Research Methods in Olympic and Professional Sports; Sport Metrology; Professional Activity of a Specialist in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports; Diagnostics of the Physical Condition of an Athlete (VD8); Biomechanics of Sports and Recreational Motor Activity; Kinesiology.
Internships and advanced training courses:
• Vincent Pol University of Social and Natural Sciences (Poland, Lublin), December 28, 2016 – June 28, 2017.
• Seminar Electronic Learning and Management at the University: Office 365 (36 hours) (from March 03, 2020 to May 08, 2020) Certificate Nu. 565/20 from June 19, 2020
• Participated in International Webinar Distance Learning Tools for Training Specialists in Physical Culture and Sports, Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy: Zoom and Moodle Platforms. The skills improvement program (webinar) is made up of 1.5 ECTS (45 hours) including 12 hours of lectures, 20 hours of practical sessions and 13 hours of self–study in the following disciplines: Biomechanics; Modern Research Methods in Olympic Professional Sports; Modern Olympic Movement; Olympic Education (Lublin, Republic of Poland), 5th–12th April 2021, Certificate ES Nu. 5706/2021 from April 12, 2021.
• International Advanced Training (Webinar) on the topic Selection Preparation and Publication of Scientific Articles in Scientific Journals that are Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science Databases. The skills improvement program (webinar) is made up of 1.5 ECTS credits (45 hours) including 12 hours of lectures, 20 hours of practical sessions and 13 hours of self–study in the following disciplines: Kinesiology; Modern Research Methods in Olympic Professional Sports; Biomechanics (Lublin, Republic of Poland), 12th–19th July 2021, Certificate ES Nu. 7048/2021 from July 19, 2021.
• International Skills Development International Advanced Training (Webinar) on the topic Innovative Forms of Modern Education with the use of Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Platforms. The skills improvement program (webinar) is made up of 1.5 ECTS credits (45 hours) including 12 hours of lectures, 20 hours of practical sessions and 13 hours of self-study in the following disciplines: Modern Research Methods in Olympic and Professional Sports; Biomechanics; Kinesiology (Lublin, Republic of Poland), 23th of August–30th of August, Certificate ES Nu. 7904/2021 from August 30, 2021
• International Advanced Training (Webinar) on the topic Innovative Forms of Modern Education with using Google Meet and Google Classroom Platforms». The skills improvement program (webinar) is made up of 1.5 ECTS credits (45 hours) including 12 hours of lectures, 20 hours of practical sessions and 13 hours of self-study in the following disciplines: Physical Culture and Sports Rehabilitation; Kinesiology; Biomechanics (Lublin, Republic of Poland), 18th of October - 25th of October, 2021, Certificate ES Nu. 8341/2021 from October 25, 2021.
• Тел. (0332) 240147
Research profiles:
Scopus Author ID: 57209397408
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAF-9332-2019