Certificates of Halei M.M. for 2024

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Certificate dated 07.06.2024 for advanced training on the topic: "Modern Educational Technologies in the University for Pedagogical and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers of Specialties in the Field of 22 Healthcare" for the period from 01.04 to 07.06.2024.
Certificate dated 31.05.2024 for advanced training (thematic improvement): "Military Medical Expertise," completed at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy from 20.05 to 31.05.2024
Certificate dated 31.05.2024 for advanced training (thematic improvement): "Military Medical Expertise," completed at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy from 20.05 to 31.05.2024
Certificate dated 01.03.2024 for advanced training for the period from 05.02 to 01.03.2024