Mayevska Tetiana
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- Senior Lecturer of the Department of general pathology and surgical diseases of Lesia Ukrainka VNU. Candidate of Medical Sciences.
- Lutsk, Bankova Street, 9, Building C, 2nd floor (room 216).
- 1998 – Graduated from Kivertsi Medical College with a specialty in "Medical Practice", awarded the qualification of paramedic.
2004 – Graduated from Ternopil State Medical Academy named after I.Ya. Horbachevsky with a specialty in "Medical Practice", qualification of doctor.
- 2007 – Specialization courses in "Vascular Surgery" at the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk.
- 2013 – Advanced training courses at Kyiv National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets "Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Higher Medical Education" Surgery. Cosmetology.
- 2016 – Primary specialization courses in "General Practice - Family Medicine" at the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Horbachevsky.
- 2020 – Training program for the advanced training of pedagogical workers "Design and Creation of Electronic Textbooks and Manuals" at the National Center for Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- 2022 – Obtained the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty of general practice-family medicine. Dissertation topic: "Clinical and Pathogenetic Features of the Course of Primary Osteoarthritis Combined with Chronic Pancreatitis, Optimization of Treatment and Rehabilitation". Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
- 2022 – Specialization courses "General Practice - Family Medicine" at Uzhhorod National University.
- 2022 – Advanced training "Innovative Technologies in Higher Medical Education with the Formation of Professional Skills through the Competence Component. Theory of Teaching Surgery". Zhytomyr Medical Institute.
Professional Appointments
- 2006 - 2012 р. - ординатор Волинської обласної клінічної лікарні у відділенні судинної хірургії.
- З 2011 р. - Ківерцівський медичний коледж - штатний викладач хірургії, анестезіології та реанімації, патологічної анатоміїта патологічної фізіології.
- 2024 рік - старший викладач кафедри загальної патології та хірургічних хвороб медичного факультету ВНУ імені Л.Українки.
Disciplines Taught 2024-2025
- General Surgery
- EDKI. State Attestation. EDKI. Commission 4. Member 7
Professional Awards, Honors, Membership in Organizations
- 2019 - Awarded a second-degree diploma for second place at the XXIV regional exhibition of didactic and methodological materials "Creative Steps of Volyn Educators" among pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of higher education institutions of I-II levels of accreditation.
- 2023 - Awarded the "Pride and Glory of Ukraine" order for civic position and volunteer activities.
Scientific Interests
- Nanotechnologies in Modern Medicine: Exosomes and Nidosomes