Monographs, Textbooks, Educational and Methodological Manuals of Romanchuk Oleksandr Petrovych

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Methodological recommendations

  1. Romanchuk O.P., Sheremet B.H., Zharkov V.H., Kolomiichenko O.Yu. Sports Medicine (Anamnesis, Research and Assessment of Physical Development) Methodological Recommendations, PDU, 2004. 36 p.
  2. Romanchuk O.P., Sheremet B.H., Zharkov V.H., Nachinova O.V. Sports Medicine (Medical-Pedagogical Observations). Methodological Recommendations, PDU, 2004, 15 p.
  3. Romanchuk O.P. Sports Medicine (Research of Functional State of the Body). Methodological Recommendations, PDU, 2004, 44 p.
  4. Romanchuk O.P., Braslavskyi I.O. Independent Running Training for Middle and Long Distances. Methodological Guidelines. – ODABA, Odesa. – 2006. – 41 p.
  5. Romanchuk O.P., Muntyan I.S. Organization of Classes in Special Medical Groups with Basics of Physical Therapy. Methodological Manual. – PDU. – 2006. – 40 p.
  6. Romanchuk O.P., Drozdova K.V. Hygienic Requirements for Equipment of Educational Institutions and Educational Process. Methodological Manual. – PDU. – 2009. – 52 p.
  7. Romanchuk O.P., Drozdova K.V. Nutrition of Athletes and Hygienic Requirements for Sports Facilities. Methodological Manual. – PDU. – 2009. – 52 p.
  8. Romanchuk O.P., Fidіrko M.O. Organization and Conduct of Pedagogical Practice. Methodological Manual. – PDU. – 2009. – 28 p.
  9. Romanchuk O.P., Nikiforova L.A. Biomechanics. Methodological Manual. – PDU. – 2009. – 52 p.
  10. Panenko A., Babov K., Noskin L., Romanchuk O., Pivovarov V. Spiroarteriocardiorythmography as a Multifunctional Method for Studying the Cardiorespiratory System in Rehabilitation Institutions. Kyiv; 2006. (Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine).
  11. Panenko A., Babov K., Noskin L., Landa S., Romanchuk O., Kovaliova O. Laser Correlation Spectroscopy in Determining the Level of Functional Stress of Humoral and Tissue Homeostasis Systems. Kyiv; 2006. (Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine).
  12. Romanchuk O., Podhorna V. Correction of Posture Disorders in Primary School Students Considering Individual Respiratory Tensions. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa. Bukaiev V. 2014; 72. ISBN 978–617–7215–03–4.
  13. Romanchuk O., Podhorna V. Practical Guide to Sanogenetic Monitoring. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa. Bukaiev V. 2014; 60. ISBN 978–617–7215–05–8.
  14. Romanchuk O.P., Petrov Ye.P., Shcherbanenko V.K. Table Tennis. Technical and Tactical Training of Students. Methodological Recommendations. – Odesa, 2015. – 44 p.

Study Guide

  1. Romanchuk O. Medical-Pedagogical Control in Health Physical Culture. Odessa, Ukraine: Bukaiev V.V., 2010. 206 pages.


  1. Romanchuk A. Modern Approaches to Assessing Cardiorespiratory Interactions in Athletes. 2006. Odessa, Astroprint. 232 pages.
  2. Romanchuk A., Noskin L., Pivovarov V., Karganov M. Comprehensive Approach to Diagnosing the State of the Cardiorespiratory System in Athletes. Odessa: Phoenix. 2011; 256 pages.
  3. Perevoshchikov Yu., Kartsovnik S., Romanchuk A. Comprehensive Assessment of the Human Body Condition during Multi-Day Runs. Odessa: Yurydychna literatura; 2011. 205 pages.
  4. Zaporozhan V., Noskin L., Kresyun V., Bazhora Yu., Romanchuk A. Factors and Mechanisms of Sanogenesis. Edited by V.N. Zaporozhan. Odessa: ONMedU, 2014; 448 pages.
  5. Psychological, Pedagogical, and Medical-Biological Aspects of Physical Education. Edited by Romanchuk A., Moroz I. Odessa: Yurydychna literatura; 2014. 217 pages.
  6. Problems of Health-Improving Physical Culture and Physical Rehabilitation. Edited by Romanchuk A., Klapchuk V. Odessa: Bukaiev V.V.; 2015. 251 pages.
  7. Sports Medicine: Problems and Prospects: Scientific Papers. Edited by A. Romanchuk Odessa: Yurydychna literatura, 92 pages.

Chapters in Monographs

  1. Bazhora Yu., Romanchuk A., Komloyova A., Landa S. The Relationship of Individual Regulatory Processes as the Basis for Examining the Functional Adequacy of the Organism. In the book "Pedagogical Sanology" Edited by L. Noskin, V. Krivosheyev, V. Kuchma, A. Rumyantsev, et al. Moscow: MIOO. 2005; 128-165.
  2. Romanchuk O., Pogorielova O., Lysak S. Posture Correction in Middle School Children During Physical Education Lessons. Chapter in the monograph "Physical Improvement of Student Youth: Strategy and Innovative Technologies." Edited by Raievskyi R., Odesa: Nauka i Tekhnika, 2011; 210-7.
  3. Perevoshchikov Yu., Romanchuk A. Prognostic Value of the Method for Determining the Level of Medium-Mass Molecules in the Practice of Physical Education and Sports. Chapter in the monograph "Physical Improvement of Student Youth: Strategy and Innovative Technologies." Edited by Raievskyi R., Odesa: Nauka i Tekhnika, 2011; 480-4.
  4. Romanchuk O., Grechko O., Ihnatenko S., Nikiforova L., Petrov Ye. Development of Physical Qualities in Prepubertal and Pubertal Age Considering Physical Development Parameters. Chapter in the monograph "Physical Improvement of Student Youth: Strategy and Innovative Technologies." Edited by Raievskyi R., Odesa: Nauka i Tekhnika, 2011; 102-11.
  5. Romanchuk A. The Complex Approach to a Multipurpose Estimation of a Sportsman's Condition. In: Karganov My, editor. Polysystemic Approach to School, Sport and Environment Medicine. Foster City, CA, US: OMICS Publishing Group; 2013. p. 39-57. Available from: OMICS Publishing Group.
  6. Romanchuk A., Huzij O. Controlled Breathing Tests in the Assessment of Autonomic Provision, Physical Performance, and Type of Central Hemodynamics in Athletes. In the book "Psychological, Pedagogical, and Medical-Biological Aspects of Physical Education." Edited by Romanchuk A., Moroz I. Odessa. Yurydychna literatura, 2014; 80-136.
  7. Beseda V., Romanchuk A. Comprehensive Approach to the Methodology of Physical Education in Preschool Institutions. In the book "Psychological, Pedagogical, and Medical-Biological Aspects of Physical Education." Edited by Romanchuk A., Moroz I. Odessa. Yurydychna literatura, 2014; 45-60.
  8. Ternovoi K., Romanchuk A., Bohachev V., Hlushchenko M. Sanogenetic Criteria of Dysregulatory States of the Cardiorespiratory System in Spinal Injuries. In the book "Problems of Health-Improving Physical Culture and Physical Rehabilitation." Edited by A. Romanchuk, V. Klapchuk. Odessa: Bukaiev V.V., 2015; 60-81.