Monographs, Textbooks, Educational and Methodological Manuals of Stepan Vasyl
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- Stepan V.T., Fedoruk O.S., Dotsiuk L.G., Poruchynskyi A.I. "Chronic Kidney Disease: Nutritional-Dysbiotic Aspects of Pathogenesis and Prevention." Monograph. Odessa: Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2023, 203 pages.
- Fedoruk O.S., Iliuk I.I., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T. "Workbook on Urology" for independent extracurricular preparation for practical classes for 4th-year students. Textbook for 4th-year medical students of higher educational medical institutions. Recommended by the Academic Council of Bukovinian State Medical University. BSMU, 2021, 92 pages.
- Levytskyi A.P., Gozhenko A.I., Stepan V.T., Pustovoyt I.P., Selivanska I.O., Badyuk N.S., Stepan B.V. Biochemical Markers of Inflammatory-Dystrophic and Dysbiotic Processes in the Kidneys in Experimental Pathology. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa, 2020. 17 pages.
- Levytskyi A.P., Selivanska I.O., Lainska A.P., Markov A.V., Labush Y.Z., Pupin T.I., Bocharov A.V., Petrenko A.A., Stepan V.T. Prevention of Pathological Complications When Consuming Thermooxidized Oils and Fat-Containing Products. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa, 2020. 24 pages.
- Iliuk I.I., Fedoruk O.S., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T. "Workbook for independent extracurricular work of students: the educational discipline Urology." Textbook for students of medical faculties of higher educational medical institutions of accreditation levels 3-4 for independent extracurricular preparation for practical classes. Chernivtsi: BSMU, 2018, 275 pages.
- Fedoruk O.S., Iliuk I.I., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T., et al. "Urology." Educational-methodical guide for students of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine of accreditation levels 3-4. BSMU, 2018, 128 pages.
- Fedoruk O.S., Zaytsev V.I., Iliuk I.I., Vladychenko K.A., Vizniuk V.V., Stepan V.T., et al. "Practical skills in Urology." Educational-methodical guide for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of accreditation levels 3-4. Chernivtsi: "Bukrek," 2018, 148 pages.