Monographs, Textbooks, Educational and Methodological Manuals of Stepan Vasyl

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  1. Stepan V.T., Fedoruk O.S., Dotsiuk L.G., Poruchynskyi A.I. "Chronic Kidney Disease: Nutritional-Dysbiotic Aspects of Pathogenesis and Prevention." Monograph. Odessa: Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2023, 203 pages.
  2. Fedoruk O.S., Iliuk I.I., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T. "Workbook on Urology" for independent extracurricular preparation for practical classes for 4th-year students. Textbook for 4th-year medical students of higher educational medical institutions. Recommended by the Academic Council of Bukovinian State Medical University. BSMU, 2021, 92 pages.
  3. Levytskyi A.P., Gozhenko A.I., Stepan V.T., Pustovoyt I.P., Selivanska I.O., Badyuk N.S., Stepan B.V. Biochemical Markers of Inflammatory-Dystrophic and Dysbiotic Processes in the Kidneys in Experimental Pathology. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa, 2020. 17 pages.
  4. Levytskyi A.P., Selivanska I.O., Lainska A.P., Markov A.V., Labush Y.Z., Pupin T.I., Bocharov A.V., Petrenko A.A., Stepan V.T. Prevention of Pathological Complications When Consuming Thermooxidized Oils and Fat-Containing Products. Methodological Recommendations. Odesa, 2020. 24 pages.
  5. Iliuk I.I., Fedoruk O.S., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T. "Workbook for independent extracurricular work of students: the educational discipline Urology." Textbook for students of medical faculties of higher educational medical institutions of accreditation levels 3-4 for independent extracurricular preparation for practical classes. Chernivtsi: BSMU, 2018, 275 pages.
  6. Fedoruk O.S., Iliuk I.I., Zaytsev V.I., Stepan V.T., et al. "Urology." Educational-methodical guide for students of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine of accreditation levels 3-4. BSMU, 2018, 128 pages.
  7. Fedoruk O.S., Zaytsev V.I., Iliuk I.I., Vladychenko K.A., Vizniuk V.V., Stepan V.T., et al. "Practical skills in Urology." Educational-methodical guide for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of accreditation levels 3-4. Chernivtsi: "Bukrek," 2018, 148 pages.