Motuziuk Oleksandr Petrovych

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Position: Associate Professor, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University Candidate of Sciences (Human and animal physiology), PhD Specialist in human physiology (muscle contraction, muscle ischemia, peripheral fatigue)

Affiliation and official address:

  • Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Biological Faculty, Dept. of Human and animal physiology 9 Potapova st. (Educational Building C, 7th floor), 43021, Lutsk, Ukraine
  • E-mail:
  • +38(0332) 249947

Scientific profiles of the author


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  • 1998-2002 Bachelor (First Class Diploma, Biological Faculty, Dept. of Human and animal physiology, VNU)
  • 2002-2003 Master (First Class Diploma, Biological Faculty, Dept. of Human and animal physiology, VNU)
  • 2003-2006 PhD student (Biological Faculty, Dept. of Human and animal physiology, VNU)
  • 2006 Candidate of Sciences (Human and animal physiology), PhD


  • 2006-2012 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, Lutsk, Ukraine, laboratory assistant of the same department.
  • 2007-2009 chief of the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of the Biology Faculty, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University
  • 2012- till now Associate Professor, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • 2009-2015. Head of the Medicine Section of the Volyn Regional Small Academy of Sciences.
  • 2012-2019 Deputy Dean of the Biology Faculty for scientific and pedagogical work and innovations.
  • 2012-till now Member of the Biology Faculty Academic Council
  • 2013-2020 Executive Secretary of the Scientific Journal “Scientific Bulletin of the Lesya Ukrainka National University. Series: Biological Sciences”

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies

  • 2007 - Grant of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • 2009 - Award of President for young scientists in Ukraine
  • 2002 – till now - Membership of the Ukrainian Physiology Society
  • 2006 – till now - Membership of the Ukrainian Biophysics Society


  • main fields: Physiology
  • other fields: Neurophysiology, pathobiology, biophysics
  • current research interest: muscular ischemia, alcogolization


  1. Nozdrenko, D.M., Motuziuk, О.P., Bogutska, K.I., Osetskyi, V.L., Prylutskyy, Yu.I. Dynamics of contraction of the musculus soleus of rats in chronic alcoholization and therapeutic action of water-soluble C60 fullerenes Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii. 2019. [1]
  2. Motuziuk, О.P., Nozdrenko, D.М., Bogutska, K.I.,Remeniak, O.V., Prylutskyy, Yu.I. Morphological changes in the ischemic muscle fibres of musculus soleus at chronic alcoholization of animals and application of an aqueous colloidal solution of C60 fullerenes Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii. 2019. [2]
  3. Yu. I. Prylutskyy D. М. Nozdrenko, S. Yu. Zay, О. P. Motuziuk, K. I. Bogutska, A. V. Ilchenko Influence of C60 Fullerenes on the Mechanokinetic and Biochemical Parameters of Muscle Soleus Contraction in Chronically Alcoholised Rats with Experimentally-Induced Ischemia. Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології, 2018, 16(3). Рр. 583-596 [3]
  4. O. A Melnychuk, О. P. Motuziuk , S. Ye. Shvayko Сhanging of ischemic m. soleus tetanic contraction parameters in rats with chronic alcohol intoxication. Fiziol Zh. 2015;61(3):81-89. [4]
  5. Khoma OM, Zavodovs'kyĭ DA, Nozdrenko DN, Dolhopolov OV, Miroshnychenko MS, Motuziuk OP. Dynamics of ischemic skeletal soleus muscle contraction in rats / Fiziol Zh. 2014;60(1):34-40. [5]
  6. Kotsan I. YA., Melnychuk O. A., Motuziuk A. P. Force production сhange of ischemic m. gastrocnemius (cap. med.) in alcohol intoxicated rats during progressive low-frequency muscle fatigue // Visnik ZaporIzhskogo natsIonalnogo unIversitetu. BIologIchnI nauki. – ZaporIzhzhya. – 2014. № 1. – P. 144-154. [6]
  7. Melnychuk, A. Motuziuk, S. Shvayko. Changes of speed-power parameters of m. gastrocnemius in alcohol intoxicated rats under the experimental inducted vascular ischemia // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. 2014. Issue 65. P. 50–60 [7]
  8. Melnychuk, A. Motuziuk, S. Shvayko. Homa O. Musculus gastrocnemius tetanus kinetics in alcohol-intoxicated rats with experimentally-induced hindlimb vascular ischemia under conditions of low-frequence muscle fatigue. Vìsn. Dnìpropetr. Unìv. Ser. Bìol. Ekol. 2014. 22(1), 8–18.[8]
  9. Melnychuk, O., Motuziuk, O., Shvayko, S. and Zay, S. 2015. Progressive fatigue dynamic development of isolated natively musculus gastrocnemius medialis in alcoholic rats. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. 2(302) (May 2015), 179-184. [9]
  10. O. Melnychuk, A. Motuziuk, T. Poruchynska Musculus gastrocnemius output force intensity changes analysis in alсoholic rats with 6-hour hind limb vascular ischemia O. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Biology. 2015. Issue 69. P. 27–40. [10]
  11. O. Melnychuk, O. Motuziuk, S. Zay, D. Nozdrenko, K. Bogutska, Yu. Sklyarov, Yu. Prylutskyy. Alchohol-associated supression of strength response by musculus gastrocnemius caput mediale in rats with critical vascular ischemia of hind limbs. Int. J. Phys. Pathophys., 2015, V. 6, N 3, P. 231-248. [11]
  12. Fishcnenko, Y., Zavodovskyi, D., Мотузюк, О., Matvienko, T. and Nozdrenko, D. 2015. Diprospan Impact on Development of Epidural Fibrosis in Rat Spinal Cord. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences. 313, 12 (Dec. 2015), 202-207.[12]
  13. Fishcnenko, Y., Zavodovskyi, D., Motuziuk, O., Matvienko, T., Nozdrenko, D., Melnichyk, V., & Dybnik, O. (2016). Longidaza Impact on Artificially Induced Spinal Cord Epidural Fibrosis in Rat. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (7(332), 159-164.. [13]
  14. Fishcnenko Ya., Zavodovskyi D., Matvienko T., Nozdrenko D.. Motuzuyk О. Structural changes of spinal cord fibrosis due to epidural application of mixture of longidaza and diprospan Taras Shevchenko National university of Kyiv. Problems of physiologic functions regulation– 2016. – 1(20). – P. 49-53. [14]
  15. Zay S., Zavodovskyi D., Nozdrenko D., Bogutska K., Motuziuk O., Sklyarov Yu., Prylutskyy Yu. Chronic Alcoholization: Effect on Musculoskeletal System and Remedial Action of С60 Fullerenes. International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology, 7(3): 273-284 (2016). [15]
  16. Nozdrenko, D., Nurishenko, N., Matvienko, T., Zavodovskiy, D., MotuziukО., & Belobrov, V. (2016). The Development of Muscle Fatigue in Muscle soleus of Rats with Obesity. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (12(337), 212-218. [16]
  17. I.V.Fishchenko, D.О.Zavodovskyi, О.М.Motuzuyk, T.Yu.Matvienko, N.Nozdrenko Diprospan, longidaza and their combined action against fibrosis caused by mechanical injury of the intervertebral discs in rats. Fiziol. Zh. 2017; 63(1): 77-83 [17]
  18. Matvienko TY, Zavodovskyi DA, Nozdrenko DN, Mishchenko IV, Motuziuk OP, Bogutska KI, Sklyarov YP, Prylutskyy YI Muscle fatigue: factors of development and ways of correction // Fiziol. Zh. 2017; 63(1):95-105. [18]
  19. Zay, S., Matvienko, T., Bilobrov, V., Vylyt’ska, D., & Motuziuk, O. (2017). Dynamics in Contractions of Rat m Gastrocnemius Medialis under Chronic Alcoholism Condition. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (7(356), 237-243.[19]
  20. Zay, S., Matvienko, T., Bilobrov, V., Paradizova, S., Vulits’ka, D., & Motuziuk, O. (2017). Muscle Soleus Fatigue Development as a Result of Its Prolonged Activation Under Condition of Ischemic Contracture. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (7(356),[20]
  21. Zay, S., Belobrov, V., Vulitska, D., Nozdrenko, O., Abramchuk, O., & Motuziuk, O. (2017). Speed-force Musculus Soleus Contraction Parameters Changes in Chronic Alcoholization Rats. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (13(362), 90-97.[21]
  22. Tetyana Yu. Matvienko, Danylo A. Zavodovskyi, Daria A. Vulytska, Svitlana Yu. Zay,Olexandr P. Motuziuk, Kateryna I. Bogutska, Dmytro N. Nozdrenko, Yuriy P. Sklyarov, & Yuriy I. Prylutskyy Water-Soluble Nanoscale C60 Fullerenes as Effective Therapeutic Means for Prevention and Correction of Ischemic Injury in Skeletal Muscle // International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology, 8(2): 177-193 (2017). – P. 177-193. [22]
  23. Vladislav Bilobrov, Darya Vulitskaya, Alexander Nozzdenko, Svetlana Zay,Aexander Motuzіuk Changing of dynamic response of the active muscle soleus in conditions of its ischemization in alcoholic rats when C60 fullerene is administered Sciencerise: Biological science. 5(8) 2017. С.27-32. [23]
  24. Changes in musculus soleus strength response in alcoholic rats with experimentally induced 1 and 2 hours ischemia S.Yu.Zay, O.P.Motuzіuk, V.Yu.Bilobrov, D.A.Vulitskaya, O.D.Nozdrenko, О.M.Abramchuk The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University Series “Biology”, issue 29, 2017. Т.29– С.82-88. [24]
  25. Mishchenko, I., Mankivska, O., Kopyak, B., Pil’kevych, N., & Motuziuk, O. (2019). Influence of N-Acetylcysteine on Movement Activity of Hemipar-kinsonian Rats Induced by Dopamine Receptor Agonist Injection. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (3(387), 173-178.[25]
  26. Chorna, I., & Motuziuk, O. (2019). The Characteristic of the Main Ischemic Damaging Biomarkers of Muscle Tissue. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (3(387), 162-172.[26]
  27. Mishchenko, I., Mankivska, O., Kopyak, B., Pil’kevych, N., & Motuziuk, O. (2019). Influence of N-Acetylcysteine on Movement Activity of Hemipar-kinsonian Rats Induced by Dopamine Receptor Agonist Injection. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, (3(387), 173-178. [27]