Research topics of the department
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- Endocrine Surgery
- Euretina, ASOEP, and the Society of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine - Hutsaliuk Kateryna
- Hernioplasty
- Application of New Technologies in Surgery: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotic Surgery
- Laparoscopic Urology
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Treatment Methods in Proctology
- Nanotechnologies in Modern Medicine. Exosomes and Nidosomes
- Scientific Implementation of Practical Activities Based on Clinical-Experimental Application of Modern Methods of Treatment, Prevention of Inflammatory-Dystrophic Diseases of the Maxillofacial Area
- Pathogenesis of Digestive Diseases
- Pathophysiological Aspects of Neurorehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Interventions in Joint Endoprosthetics
- Development and Implementation of Programs and Methods for Forensic Medical and Forensic Dental Identification of Victims with Localization in the Head and Neck Area
- Modern Aspects of State Management in the Medical Field
- Social Medicine and Public Health
- Surgery of the Biliary Tract
- Surgical Treatment of Digestive Organs
- Surgery of the Biliary Tract, Hernioplasty, Minimally Invasive Surgery