Scientific Publications in Ukrainian Periodical Professional Journals of Shulga Olga Dmytrivna

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  1. Shulga, O.D. (2020). Prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis Course: Results of a Prospective Study. Actual Problems of Modern Medicine. Bulletin of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. 2020. Vol. 20, No. 1. pp. 126–129. URL:
  2. Shulga, O.D. (2020). Evaluation of Stroke Care Quality in Hospitals Based on RES-Q Registry Data [Text] / Mishchenko T.S.; Chemer N.M.; Moskovko S.P.; Guk A.P.; Flomin Y.V.; Gulyayeva M.V.; Muratova T.M.; Khramtsev D.M.; Vadziuk Y.S. // News of Medicine and Pharmacy : Ukrainian Special Medical-Pharmaceutical Edition - 2020. - No. 3. - pp. 3-4.
  3. Shulga, O.D., Chabanova, A.S., Kotsiuba, O.G. (2023). Multiple Sclerosis in Ukraine. Ukrainian Medical Journal. 1 (153) – I/II 2023. doi: 10.32471/umj.1680-3051.153.237930
  4. Shulga, O.D., Chabanova, A.S., Kotsiuba, O.G. (2022). Leptospirosis: Aspects of Nervous System Injury. Ukrainian Medical Journal.
  5. Shulga, O.D., Pervova, O.O., Popko, E.A., Kotsiuba, O.G., Chabanova, A.S. (2022). Multiple Sclerosis and Pain. Ukrainian Medical Journal.
  6. Shulga, O.D., Gryb, V.A., Yurko, O.A., Potapovych, P.V., Kupnovytska-Sabados, M.Yu. (2021). Atypical Manifestations of Wilson-Konovalov Disease (Clinical Case). Ukrainian Medical Journal.
  7. Shulga, O.D., Mamchych, T.I. (2020). Epidemiological Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis in Volyn Region: Prospective Study. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, (13). doi: