Scientific Publications in Ukrainian Periodical Professional Journals of Stepan Vasyl

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  1. Polovyi VP, Stets MM, Bocharov AV, Ivanko OV, Sydorchuk OI, Stepan VT, Sydorchuk RI. Surgical Tactics in Complicated Forms of Stomach Cancer. Kharkiv Surgical School. 2023;6(123):10-14.
  2. Polovyi VP, Stets MM, Bocharov AV, Ivanko OV, Sydorchuk OI, Stepan VT, Sydorchuk RI. Problems of Surgical Treatment of Complications of Stomach Malignant Tumors. Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 2023;22(3):71-76. DOI: 10.24061/1727-0847.22.3.2023.32.
  3. Petelitskyi OO, Tkachuk SS, Stepan VT, Tkachuk OV, Plegutsa OM, Sydorchuk RI, Kifyak PV. Microflora of the Urogenital Tract in Acute Purulent-Inflammatory Diseases of the Urinary System as a Premise for Abdominal Sepsis. Clinical and Experimental Pathology. 2024;23,1(87):36-41. DOI 10.24061/1727-4338.ХХIІІ.1.87.2024.05.
  4. Sydorchuk LI, Stepan VT, Bocharov AV, Sydorchuk OI, Kifyak PV, Sydorchuk II, Petelitskyi OO, Sydorchuk RI. Etiopathogenetic Justification of Rehabilitation of the Urethral Microbiota in Patients with Acute Infectious Urethritis. Bukovynian Medical Bulletin. 2024;28(2/110):39-45.
  5. Stepan V.T. "Renoprotective action of phytopreparations in experimental metabolic syndrome." Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 2020, Vol. 19, № 2, pp. 46-53.
  6. Stepan V.T., Fedoruk O.S., Zaytsev V.I., et al. "Clinical efficacy of the use of constant electric field in the treatment of acute kidney diseases." Surgery of Donbas, 2020, Vol. 9, № 1, pp. 39-44.
  7. Stepan V.T. "Effect of oral applications of 'Quertulin' phytogel on biochemical indicators of kidney condition in rats with experimental dysbiotic syndrome." Bukovinian Medical Bulletin, 2020, № 3 (95), Vol. 24, pp. 102-107.
  8. Stepan V.T. "Therapeutic and prophylactic action of mucoadhesive gel 'Quertulin' on the kidneys of rats receiving oral applications of peroxidized sunflower oil." Bulletin of Dentistry, 2019, № 10, pp. 34-37.
  9. Levitsky A.P., Stepan V.T., Pustovoit I.P. "Condition of the kidneys under high-fat diet in rats." Bulletin of Marine Medicine, 2019, № 2(83), pp. 97-103.
  10. Stepan V.T. "Effect of 'Dubovy' phytogel on the condition of the kidneys of rats receiving oral applications of peroxidized sunflower oil." Surgery of Donbas, 2019, Vol. 8, № 2, pp. 50-55.