Serhii Fedoniuk

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Academic Profiles

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2853-8905

ResearcherID: W-1453-2018


Web of Science:

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2021 – Master's Degree, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Educational program "International information and public communications".

1997 – Candidate of Sciences Diploma, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

1993–1996 – Postgraduate studies, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, Lutsk, Ukraine.

1993 – specialist diploma, Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Lesya Ukrainka.

Professional Appointments

2020–present – Associate Professor of the Department of International Communications and Political Analysis of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

2004-2020 – Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University

2020–present – Director of the Strategic Communications Research Center of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

2021–present – Head of the Regional Separate unit of the Public organization "Innovative University" in the Volyn region

2016 – until now, Member of the Editorial Board of the foreign scientific journal Language – Culture – Politics: International Journal (Poland, Index Copernicus)

2014–present – Chairman of the board of the Ukrainian-Polish public union "INTEGRA"

2014–present – Director of the Public organization "KOMA"

2013–present – Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "KOMA, Correspondence of International Analytics"

2010–2012 - Instructor, Higher School of International Relations and Public Communication (Holm, Republic of Poland)

2008–2015 - Vice Rector for international relations of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University

2003–2008 – Head of the Department of International Information at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

2003–2003 – Associate Professor of the Department of International Information at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

2003 – Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and International Information at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

2000–2002 – Deputy Vice Rector for academic work at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

1998–2000 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

2000–2001 – Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

1997–2000 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

1996–1997 – Researcher of the Laboratory "Problems of Development of Regional Socio-Economic Systems", Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University

Grant and Project Activity

Participant of the project "EU Strategic Communications: Countering Destructive Influences" of the ERASMUS+ program of the Jean Monnet Module (No. 101047033 ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE)" (2022-2025).

Participant of the project "Volyn Center of European Studies: Green and Safe Neighborhood" (No. 101085647 - VCES - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH). (2022-2025) Participant of the "EU Studies at Lesya Ukrainka University" project of the European Union ERASMUS+ program of the Jean Monnet Chair (No. 611478-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR) (2019-2022).

Participant of the Ukrainian-Polish project - GDR "Information warfare as a new dimension of geopolitical rivalry" (2018-2019).

Participant of the Ukrainian-Polish project "Innovative University and Leadership". Phase IV: communication strategies and university-school relations (X.2018-VI.2019) (Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University).

Participant of the project "Specialized programs on issues of European integration for improving the qualifications of civil servants of Ukraine II-IV categories" with the support of the Ministry. of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Embassy of Great Britain in Ukraine (Strategic Program Fund Reuniting Europe Program) (2006–2008).

Organizer of the cross-border competition: "From Idea to Business - Support of Academic Innovative Entrepreneurship" within the framework of the Cross-border program of support for micro and small enterprises (Ukraine-Poland, 2014).

Organizer and chief executor of the project on the publication of educational literature on European integration with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation (2010-2011).

The organizer and main executor of the project "Educational and methodological support for the study of issues related to NATO activities, as well as Ukraine's cooperation with NATO" in connection with the implementation of the "Ukraine-NATO" Target Plan in state-wide organizational, analytical and scientific-methodological activities.

Awardee of scholarship "Lane Kirkand Program", Marie Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland) (2001-2002)


2023 - certificate. Course "Ensuring Security in the Digital Era: EU Experience". As part of the "Volyn Center for European Studies: Green and Safe Neighborhood" project of the EU ERASMUS+ program

2023 - certificate. Educational and professional program "Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of Universities, Academies, Institutes", direction "Creative Practices, Innovative Technologies and Development of Meta-Skills in Adult Education". National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, "University of Education Management", Central Institute of Postgraduate Education

2023 - certificate. Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence. Council of Europe HELP Programme

2022 - certificate. Seminar "Electronic Learning: Organization of the Educational Process", Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

2021 - certificate. Training course "Competence-based e-Learning and Management at the University", Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

2020 - certificate. Training course "E-learning and Management at the University: Office 365", Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University.

2019 — diploma for participation in the project "Innovative University and Leadership. Phase IV: communication strategies and university-school relations (X.2018-VI.2019).

2019 - certificate. Training course "Using the Possibilities of Office 365 in the Work of a Teacher and Distance Learning", Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University .

2018 – certificate. Training course "Distance Learning using Microsoft Office 365", Lesya Ukrainka East European National University.

2014 - certificate of professional development. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, University of Educational Management, Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. 

2013 – certificate of completion of the English language training program. Language center "Svit" of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University.

2007 – Certificate. The program "European Union and the European Economic Area" within the project of the company European Competence Ltd. "Democracy and Public Service Capacity in Ukraine". National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in partnership, Main Directorate of the Civil Service of Ukraine.

2006 - Certificate. Expert in the evaluation of cross-border cooperation projects within the framework of the "Poland-Belarus-Ukraine" program (Interreg IIIA/TACIS CBC), Euroregion Bug (Republic of Poland).

2002–2003 – doctoral studies, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

2002 – certificate. XII East Summer School of the Warsaw University.

2002 - Certificate. Internship in the Civil Service System of the Republic of Poland. Bureau of European Integration of the Lublin Voivodeship.

2002 – Diploma. Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program, coordinated by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin (Republic of Poland) Research project: "Formation of the Common Market of the European Union".

2001 – Certificate. Polish language and culture courses. Warsaw University (Republic of Poland), Institute of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners.

Scientific Interests

Open (mass) collaboration, European integration, information policy and national security

Selected Works

Fedoniuk S. V. International Policy of Information (Cyber) Security. 87 Questions and Answers: Teaching Manual. Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2023. – 1 electronic. wholesale disc (CD-ROM). – The volume of data is 3.55 MB. (in Ukrainian)

Fedoniuk Serhii. The VUCA-Nature of Modern Protest Communication. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies Vol. 12, No. 2, 2023, pp. 205-222.

Serhii Fedoniuk, Nataliia Karpchuk, Bohdan Yuskiv. Ukraine’s Information Security Policy: on the Crossroads between the West and Russia. Czech Journal of Political Science/Politologický časopis, 2023, 3/23, pp. 161-182.

Serhii Fedoniuk (2022). International Aspects of Cyberspace Security: Monograph / S. V. Fedonyuk. – Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2022. – 1 electronic. wholesale disc (CD-ROM). – The volume of data is 4.72 MB. (in Ukrainian)

Serhii Fedoniuk (2021). EU Policy in Terms of the Main Global Concepts of Information (Cyber) Security, International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, No. 3 (11), p. 144-168. (in Ukrainian)

Fedoniuk S. Prerequisites and Stages of Integration Processes in Europe, Digital Economy, Regional Politics // European Union: Study Manual / [A. O. Boyar (head of author's group), S. V. # Fedonyuk, A. A. Morenchuk and others] ; under the editorship A. O. Boyar, S. V. Fedonyuk. Kyiv: FOP Maslakov, 2020. 600 p. (9-31, 251-264, 336-350). (in Ukrainian)

Law of the Republic of Poland "On Higher Education and Science", adopted on July 20, 2018 (with amendments) / Trans. from Polish I. Degtyarova, S. Fedoniuk, L. Kolisnyk; Scientific editorship of T. Finikov and I. Degtyareva. - K.: Takson, 2020. - 336 p. (in Ukrainian)

Serhii Fedoniuk (2020). Communication Factors of Belarusian Protests, International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, No. 2 (8), p. 83-99. (in Ukrainian)

Fedoniuk, Sergii. Communication in Mass Cooperation as a VUCA Factor in Modern Socio-Economic Shock. The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies, [S.l.], n. 1, p. 145-157, sie. 2020.

Sergii Fedoniuk. Mass Collaboration as a Factor of the Ukrainian Revolution 2013-2014. Language – Culture – Politics: International Journal. Vol. 1/2018. Fedoniuk S. V. Knowledge management technologies and open cooperation: training. manual / S. V. Fedoniuk. – Lutsk: Vezha-druk, 2017. – 124 p. (in Ukrainian)

Serhii Fedoniuk. Democratization of Ukraine: to the Nature of Social Upheavals. Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny, tom XIV (2017), nr 4, p. 95-114. (in Ukrainian)

Serhii Fedoniuk. E-Participation as a Factor of Europeanization in the Context of European Integration Prospects of Ukraine // The Eastern Dimension of the United Europe. Political and Economical Aspects of the Eastern Politics of the European Union. - Region and Regionalism. – No. 11. – Vol. 2. – Łodź-Opole, 2012. – P. 87–97.

Fedoniuk Sergii. The Development of e-Participation in the Official Public Communications in Ukraine /S. Fedoniuk // Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Series: International Relations. - Lutsk: Volyn. national University named after Lesya Ukrainka. – 2012. – No. 21 (246). - pp. 130–135.

Hnydyuk N. A., Fedoniuk S. V. Enlargement of the European Union and Experience of Reforms of the CEE Countries in the Context of Accession to the EU./ In general. ed. M. Boitsun, I. Hrytsyak, Ya. Mudry, O. Rudik, L. Prokopenko, V. Streltsov. - K.: Millennium Publishing House, 2009. - 354 p. (in Ukrainian)

European Integration: Education Guide./ Ed. S.V. Fedoniuk, V.Y. Lazhnik.– Lutsk, RVV "Vezha" Volyn. Lesya Ukrainka National University, 2008. – 760 p. (in Ukrainian)

Fedoniuk S. V., Lazhnik V. Y., Morenchuk A. A., Romanyuk N. I. NATO: History, Structure, Activity, Prospects: Study Handbook.– Lutsk: RVV "Vezha", Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2008. – 258 p. (in Ukrainian)

Serhiej Fedoniuk, Bogdan Kawałko, Andrzej Miszczuk. Polish-Ukrainian Borderland: Environment. Society. Economy / Scientific editors: Bogdan Kawałko, Andrzej Miszczuk College of Administration and Management in Zamość. – Zamość, 2005. – pp. 193–200. ІSBN 83-88367-83-8. (in Polish)

Lutyshyn P.V., Fedoniuk S.V. European Integration Processes: Formation of a Single Market. Lutsk: Volyn Regional Printing House, 2004.-200 p. ISBN 966-8468-32-5. (in Ukrainian)

Lutyshyn P.V., Klimont D.Yu., Fedoniuk S.V. Geography of Poland's Productive Forces. Lutsk: RVV "Vezha", Lesya Ukrainka Volyn. State University, 2000. - 359 p. ISBN 966-7294-53-6. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. (in Ukrainian)

Copyright Certificates

Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated October 11, 2022 No. 115174. Collective monograph "Information support of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine: practical aspects".

Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated July 26, 2022 No. 113931. Study guide "European Union" (collective work).

Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated July 11, 2022 No. 113683. Monograph "International Aspects of Cyberspace Security".

Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated July 11, 2022 No. 113679. Study guide "Technologies of Knowledge Management and Open Collaboration".

Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated October 23, 2021 No. 108851. Collective monograph "International and National Security: Politics, Information, Ecology, Economy".


43021, Lutsk, Voli Ave., 13, Office А-216


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