Department of general pathology and surgical diseases
🇺🇦 Кафедра загальної патології та хірургічних хвороб
About the Department
The Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University was established on September 28, 2023, as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Clinical Medicine and the creation of 3 new departments. The head of the department is Mykola Mykhailovych Haley, an associate professor of the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases, Doctor of Medical Sciences, surgeon, and medical director of surgery at Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital.
Department faculty
Head of the departmen
Halei Mykola - from october 5, 2023 - Head of the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases. Until october 4, 2023 - Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Associate Professor. Doctor of Medical Sciences. Surgeon, Medical Director of Surgery at Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital.
Full-time staff
Part-time staff
Academic work
Catalogue of educational programs and elective educational components
Courses offered by the department
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - Baran Andrii [[1]]
- Industrial Medical Practice in Obstetrics (Internal Medicine, Surgical Diseases, Gynecology) - Zhylenko Vladyslav [[2]]
- Pediatric Anesthesiology and Resuscitation - Dymarchuk Olena
- Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics - Yushchuk Anna
- Combustiology and Plastic Surgery - Roman Trach
- Medicine of Emergency Situations and Disasters (Military Trauma) - Kostrubskyi Andrii Serhiiovych
- Fundamentals of Tactical Medicine - Kostrubskyi Andrii
- Palliative and Hospice Care' - Zhylenko Vladyslav
- Pathophysiology of Civilizational Diseases - Kolomyiets Darii
- Radiation Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods - Zinchuk Oleksandr
- Pharmaceutical Aspects of Toxicomania and Drug Addiction - Blyzniuk Nataliia
- Patient Care (Industrial Practice) - Smarzh Oleh Tarasovych [[3]]
- Preclinical Care with Fundamentals of Tactical Medicine - Mykhailo Valihurskyi
- Pre-Medical Care - Brekhlichuk Pavlo, Horitskyi Viktor, Kolomyiets Liubomyra Ivanivna, Rykhlivska Tetiana Bogdanivna [[4]]
- Pre-Medical Training - Kostrubskyi Andrii
- Emergency and Urgent Medical Care - Baran Andrii [[5]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 6' - Halei Mykola [[6]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 7 - Mayevska Tetiana [[7]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 8 - Rykhlivska Tetiana Bogdanivna [[8]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 9 - Kostrubskyi Andrii [[9]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 10 - Tretiak Khrystyna [[10]]
- EDKI...State Attestation Commission 4, Member 11 - Baran Andrii [[11]]
- General Surgery - Halei Mykola, Mayevska Tetiana, Marchuk Ivan [[12]]
- Coordinator of Industrial Medical Practice in Obstetrics (Internal Medicine, Surgical Diseases, Gynecology) - Kolomyiets Liubomyra Ivanivna [[13]]
- Coordinator of Educational Medical Practice in Surgical Diseases - Horitskyi Viktor [[14]]
- Coordinator of Nursing Practice (Industrial) - Lahoda Lyudmyla [[15]]
- Coordinator of Patient Care (Industrial Practice) - Smarzh Oleh Tarasovych
- Coordinator of Educational Medical Practice in Surgery - Mykhailo Valihurskyi
- Educational Medical Practice in Surgery - Smarzh Oleh Tarasovych
- Educational Medical Practice in Surgical Diseases - Smarzh Oleh Tarasovych [[16]]
- Normal Human Physiology with Fundamentals of Pathophysiology (Professional Orientation) - Komshuk Tetyana [[17]]
- Normal Human Physiology (Professional Orientation) - Brekhlichuk Pavlo, Komshuk Tetyana, Poruchynska Tetyana , Tretiak Khrystyna [[18]]
- Introduction to Medical Practice (Educational) - Zhylenko Vladyslav
- Oncology and Radiology - Zinchuk Oleksandr [[19]]
- Fundamentals of General Pathology - Olena Yakobson [[20]]
- Ophthalmology - Hutsaliuk Kateryna [[21]]
- Pathological Physiology - Viacheslav Stepanenko [[22]]
- Pathophysiology - Viacheslav Stepanenko, Olena Yakobson [[23]]
- First Pre-Medical Aid - Kravchuk Andrii, Lahoda Lyudmyla, Kostrubskyi Andrii
- Nursing Practice (Industrial) - Kravchuk Andrii [[24]]
- Social Medicine, Public Health - Brekhlichuk Pavlo, Shevchuk Borys [[25]]
- Forensic Medicine. Medical Law of Ukraine - Virun Liliia Mykolaivna, Knysh Serhii Volodymyrovych [[26]]
- Traumatology and Orthopedics - Mykhailo Valihurskyi, Adrian Fil [[27]]
- Urology - Stepan Vasyl, Fedan Roman [[28]]
Surgery, including Neurosurgery - Kolykhan Volodymyr [[29]]
Surgery - Halei Mykola, Marchuk Ivan [[30]]
Syllabi for courses offered by the department
Educational and methodological work of the department
Consultation schedules
First semester of the 2024-2025 academic year first
Scientific work
Membership in scientific societies
Educational and research laboratories
Research topics of the department
Research activities of the department
Report on the scientific work of the department for the 2023 - 2024 academic year
Research plan of the department for the 2024 - 2025 academic year
Clubs and problem-based groups
List of scientific publications
Patents held by department faculty
Clinical work
General information on student training programs
Field of knowledge 22. Healthcare
Specialty 222 "Medicine"
- Educational level - Master's degree. Admission is based on complete secondary education.
Educational Program Medicine
Forms of education
- Full-time
Educational qualification
- Master of medicine
Professional qualification
- Doctor
- There is an opportunity to continue education in an internship.
Forms of Education
- Full-time
Department Life
- On June 27, 2024, at the final meeting of the staff of the medical faculty, certificates were presented to all teachers of the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases for advanced training on the topic: "Modern Educational Technologies in the University for Pedagogical and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers of the Specialty of Field 22 Healthcare" for the period from 01.04 to 07.06.2024, with a total duration of 180 hours. These courses were organized by the Dean of the Medical Faculty, A.I. Poruchynskyi, and took place at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University. The course attendees earned 6 ECTS credits. The certificates are posted on the WIKI pages of the teachers of the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases of the medical faculty of VNU.
- On October 24–26, 2024, at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University took place
The XX Congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical societies: [31] [32] In the scientific committee of the XX Congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies was an associate professor from the Department of General Pathology and Surgical Diseases Halei Mykola Mykhailovych
Announcements, instructions, sample documents
Sample application for hourly pay
Sample syllabus of educational components
Explanatory note for compiling the syllabus of an educational component
- Lutsk, Bankova Street, 9, office S 216, 2nd floor [[33]]
- Department of general pathology and surgical diseases